
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 03:27:18
平行于同一个平面的两个平面平行吗?还有平行于同一直线的两个平面平行吗?和两条异面直线都平行的两个平面平行吗?我一看到这种题目就头大 直线与平面平行的概念? 如何用平面与平面平行的定义及性质定理得出直线与平面平行,数学必修二61页说可以做到啊 下列作家,属于文学研究会的是( )① 郭沫若② 叶圣陶③ 闻一多④ 巴金 论述:从文学研究会诸作家的创作实践,谈谈文学研究会"为人生"的现实主义创作主张. 带有暖字的诗句(描写春天的代暖的诗句),我要求全首,加上作者名.5首以上的1首+10分.也不一定要5首,最多的加分. 以下属于文学研究会的作家是:A徐志摩B朱自清C丁玲D巴金觉得这道题出的有点问题, ①Last year,he went away from his hometowm and came to Guangzhou.这个句子中为什么要有from?读起来很不顺口啊,删去行不?②Rose get married to a teacher last month.我总感觉这个句子有点问题啊?...get married还带上个t Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us.It develops with us a perspective of looking at life.上述两句话中有一处语法错误,希望你提供有说服力的解析,为什么是那处错了,并提供正确的修改. 副词可以修饰动词.形容词.还可以修饰什么词?副词位于所修饰的词的位置是什么?介词一般怎么用?它位于哪?状语一般有什么类型?IF引导的状语从句叫让步状语从句.什么叫让步状语从句?还有 在平行线概念中我们强调了在同一平面内没有这个限制行吗 在平行线概念中我们强调了''在同一平面内”,没有这个限制行吗?如果没有这个限制你能猜想一下“两条直线之间有集中位置关系”吗? 能否简要的介绍一下“草船借箭”的故事注意要简明扼要通俗易懂 请介绍一下中国青少年文学研究会? 文学研究会、创造社各有什么特点? a boy loves a girlIt rained heavily,she called him that she was trapped in the rain.He didn`t say anything,just rushing out with an umbrella in hand.Even forgot to change his new basketball shoes.It was midnight,she cried to him that her pet fish wer 求英语高手帮忙修改一下本段文字的语法错误!Japan ROHM Corporation launch a new generation of wireless FM stereo transmitter chip as the core BH1415F.We use it as part of the core chips launched.After the class as a C9018,1 months C3 英语高手帮忙看一下有没有语法错误I am an Administrative at the currentcompany.My major job is assisting the recruiting work of HR,including but notlimited to employee registration,resignation,filing management,trainingscheduling,etc.I 交流电50HZ,等于多少秒的? 请高手帮忙修改英语译文中的语法错误,80页-119页,首先从标题朋友开始讨论美国人的独特性,美国人看起来害羞但大胆.从他们的脸上我们可以读到,“我能做些不同出来”其他人没有这种特别 怎么才可以把12负的交流发电机发的电变为220负50HZ的交流电呢... 一句话怎么能说完,说清楚呢?用一个词来形容 火线和零线接在一起会怎么样 直线与平面垂直定义中为什么是在平面内的相交直线 而不是平行直线 修改修改错误!打错或语法错.The distance from us to the Olympic Time goes so quickly.As we know the 29 Olympic will be held in our country in Beijing.It`s excting.It makes us more pround and more confident.Because of this,Beijing has change 常用的交流电的频率为50Hz,其周期是0.02S对吗 帮忙修改一下我错误的英文文法~我要交功课的英文story~帮忙伤改成正确的文法~When I was open my eyes,I know that who was standing before me.Because my brain shows that they are names and our relationship.They called father 已知某一正弦交流电的周期为T=0.02s 求其频率 我国生产和生活照明所用交流电的周期是 大家看看这篇英语文章有没有文法错误,Everyday每天 Everyday there are five hours in the morning每天有5个小时在早上6:00 to 11:006点至11点 Everyday there are two hours at noon每天有2个小时在中午 11:00 to 1:00 p.m.11 请大家帮我修改一下语法,谢啦,希望是英语专业的帮一下忙The universality of solar energy for its existence,"infinity" of the reserves,the use of clean and economic,becomes one of the most important source of energy for the 21st c 诠这个字到底该怎么读?是quan吗?