
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 09:08:33
什么加工不宜用切削液 高速钢在粗加工是应选以润滑作用为主的切削液对吗 制作圆柱形通风管每节长60厘米底面半径8厘米做20节这样的通风管至少需铁皮多少米?要有算式,有得数 拼读时元音前有几个辅音怎么办 有两根绳子甲绳子长24米乙绳子比甲绳子短3分之一乙绳子长多少米 四大石窑是( )( ) ( )( ) 我国四大石窑中的云岗石窑位于哪里? 中国四大著名是什么? 用词的适当形式填空 There are three girls( )them during the party.用词 look after There are 5 magazines on the shelf,two of them are in Chines,( ) three are in English 填the other还是the others SM是神马意思? sm网调教是神马意思. 八年级语文上册语文第三课社戏 《社戏》中 4到30自然段 怎么划分?(就是把这一大部分分成小层) Can you answer my ______(three)question? 吃了动物激素添加的家畜 我们的身体会受什么影响 ——Finished?——No,I have __three question.A.another B.other为什么选A?B为什么不行?——No,I have __three questions不好意思打错了,这才是正确的 Can you answer my ( ) (three) question,Jack 某种图书每本8元,如果购买10本以上,则超过10本的部分每本打8折,问:1.买11本时用多少元2.一读者买图书时付款208元,则这名读者购书多少本?我也不知道是超过10本以后总元数再打8折,还是超过1 一个英语句子:she felt for her keys but was unable to find them.电脑翻译的是:她觉得她的钥匙却找不到他们.可是怎么还 他觉得他的钥匙 ,这种翻译好别扭啊 When shall we play the game Let's_it tomorrow ,OK?应选哪一个?1take 2have 3get 4make when did you first play a computer game We had a lot of fun _______the game.A.to watch B.watch C.watches D.watching It's fun ____ others play.A/watch B/watching C/watches D/to watching did you have fun watching the game 里面为什么用watching 而不是 watch This is my school campus,it is very brautiful.There are many kinds of flower and I like them very m翻译 I find them very helpful in increasing my konwledge of English .这一 句那里错了. Now the mooncakes have kinds of ____,If you have a ____ you will find them very ___(taste) in the other hand介词是on还是in, Peter,show me the ______ hand .What is in it A other B the other C another D The others为什么不选B要选A?老师说 other不能加名词可是我另外加一句话:WE MET THE OTHER TEN MENBERS OF OUR GROUP.为什么这句话可以加other 打 on other hand,on another hand,on the second hand,on the other hand之间的区别是什么?快啊... what is in your ( )hand? ——an orange.A.another B.the other C.others D.other答案是D 可是手有两只 另一只手不是应该用the other吗