
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 16:53:03
A,B两点分别位于一个池塘的两侧,池塘西边有一座假山D,在DB的中点C处有一个雕塑,张倩从点A出发,沿直线AC一直向前经过点C走到点E,并使 CE=CA,然后他测量点E到假山D的距离,则DE的长度就是A,B两 用反证法证明命题“a,b∈N,ab可被5整除,那么a、b中至少有一个能被5整除”时,假设的内容应为( )A.a、b都能被5整除B.a、b都不能被5整除C.a、b不都能被5整除D.a不能被5整除 已知等腰三角形的顶角的余弦等于7/25,求它的底角的正弦、余弦和正切. 有没有类似魔咒的词语?意思相近的 有没有一个词是于拦路虎相近意思的 珠穆朗玛峰高达8848米,这个高度是从地面开始算起的吗? The bag in which a camera was.的翻译是什么 写出2个和闻名中外意思相近的词语 闻名中外的意思是什么 帮忙填以下的括号 答案必须是a,an,the这三个中选择Mother Teresa was ( )Roman Catholic nun who became famous for her loving kindness.In 1948,she started ( ) open-air school for homeless children in Calcutta,India.She was ( ) founder The camera was in Su Yang's bag a moment写出同义句怎么写 The camera in my school bag a moment ago. A. was B. were C. is D. are the,moment,bag,was,a,here,ago(.)连词成句!十万火急! 选用a,an或the填空,不需要要填写的用/This is____blue reler.Please give Mary____box.I have____bag.____bag is new.He often goes swimming in____summer.We have____fashion show today.School in over.Let's go to____playground.Look!There's____appl My bag was on the chair a moment ago.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) 用a;an;the或 / 填空.1.Tom and jack talked for ( ) hour and ( ) half this afternoon.2.She goes to school by ( )bike ervey day.3.Walk along ( ) road,and take ( ) first turning on ( ) left.4.( ) little girl speaks ( ) English better than Chi 二次函数的 -b/2a -b/a c/a各代表什么 急 用a、an、the填空This is___picture of my house.___house is behide ___gym.___desk is beside___bed.___old man is near___bed.He is my grandfather.How many people are therein___picture?Only one.But thereis___dog?It's under___chair. 2a-b+3>0在二次函数是什么意思lll 用a/an the \ 填空用a/an the \填空1 That is ___English book ___book is lost2 This is ___penlil It is ___red penlil3 I am ___teacher I find ___4 Are you___boy?5____orange is_____orange 用a,an,the或者\填空1.There is()water on the floor.2.There is()orange on()desk.3.What do you know about()pandas?4.l want to have()chicken for dinner.5.There is()fish in the bow.Look!lt can swim very fast.6.There is()'m f(x)=3sin(x+20°)+5sin(x+80°)的最大值是多少”旺财他主任”大哥,我看不懂啊~ 已知y=3sin(x+20)+5sin(x+80)求最小值如题 课文《丰碑》将军的特点 HDU 1039Problem DescriptionPassword security is a tricky thing.Users prefer simple passwords that are easy to remember (like buddy),but such passwords are often insecure.Some sites use random computer-generated passwords (like xvtpzyo),but users have hdu 2008统计给定的n个数中,负数、零和正数的个数.输入 输入数据有多组,每组占一行,每行的第一个数是整数n(n hdu 2039#include#includeint main(){int t;int flag;float a,b,c,max,min;while(scanf("%d",&t)!=EOF){ while(t--){ flag=1;scanf("%f %f %f",&a,&b,&c); if(a+ba+c){max=a+c;}}else{max=b+c;if(max>a+c){max=a+c;}}if(fabs(a-b)>fabs(b-c)){min=fabs(a-b);if(min 2546程序2546的代码,第17行至28行之间的循环是做什么用的,#include#includeusing namespace std;int main(){int n,m,i,j,a[1050],b[1050];while(scanf("%d",&n)&&n){for(i=0;i hdu acm1564Problem DescriptionNew Year is Coming!ailyanlu is very happy today!and he is playing a chessboard game with 8600.The size of the chessboard is n*n.A stone is placed in a corner square.They play alternatively with 8600 having the first move The films were in Su Hai bag just now.改错 how wants to bhy the cards in the bag 对in the bag 提问his uncle would like a fruit cake 对fruit 提问what other things do you want what( )do you want 二次函数中,选择题里让判断的比如2a±b与0的关系等常见题型,做题思路是什么?