
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 01:08:02
高山地带气候自上而下有( )变化现象,形成( )气候现象. 英语作文:中西方婚礼文化的差异.100词左右 上海现在哪些自然景观漂亮的地方啊? 找100个少见的词语要解释家庭作业没办法 我要100个abab式的词语(要解释的)没100个也行不过越多越好 一篇英语作文初中一年级50词左右 my experience of visit the shanghai world expo 微笑的现在进行时用英语怎么收 七大洲四大洋怎么用英语表示? 阿拉伯数字是阿拉伯国家发明的吗?拜托各位大神同上 动物从种到界的分类 按从种到界地分类,鼠是怎么分的就是鼠是什么种,什么属,什么科,什么目,什么纲,什么门,什么界 all the people in the room were affected to tears.tears为什么加s all the people in the room were affected to tears.were affected 是被动吗. the 可以换成of吗 北半球有极昼极夜的最南边界是什么A.23.5 SB.23.5 NC.66.5 SD.66.5 N First Day:l would like to____________________________________ My parents will_____________________ 什么造成气候变化?气候变化是被什么造成的?和怎么造成的?(二氧化碳)吗?哪二氧化碳怎么造成气候变化啊? all the people present at the meetig were.be present at :出席这是什么的修饰啊,练习册P20 All people present at the party were his supporters.各句子成分 怎么用PS做倒影 PS里面倒影怎么做 all of boys and girls 还是both of boys and girls good night sleep tight!接下去那句是什么? 翻译一下Good night and sleep tinght 英语翻译 杯子的自然倒影,这样的阴影怎么用PS做? 错误改正英语would you like to go and me? Ann would like to go to a place___ there is a beauriful beach.(请告诉我原因,否则我还是不懂)Ann would like to go to a place___ there is a beauriful beach.A:that B:which C:where D:who I w______ if you would like to go there.英语填词. There will be an English speaking contest for middle school students in our city in early July.翻译 有致癌的食品,那么有没有致癌的蔬果?或者说蔬果什么情况下容易致癌?据说蔬菜炒熟后不要隔夜,容易致癌.假如,不考虑农药残留因素,什么蔬果生吃容易致癌? 到处找不到解释,呜呜.All the people were sad__the news?A、to B、for C、at D、withbe sad atbe sad tobe sad for be sad with有什么区别呢?可以举例说明下么?