
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 19:54:29
初中必背重点单词我现在上高中英语基础不是很好,想找一些初中重点必背单词来背,最好按字母排列顺数排列的 How____(tall)is Sally? She 's 1.55metres______(tall). (用适当形式填空) how tall is she怎么回答数字要英语 This __ of __is____in our city意思是这种饮料在我们城市很受欢迎 英语翻译15.중국 최고인민법원의 ‘중화인민공화국혼인법 적용에 관한 약간 문제&# 怎么快速背古诗词?好长的那种!钱塘湖春行、酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠、渔家傲……等等,都好难啊!可是对于初一的学生好难! 背能组什么词 怎么能快速背古诗词呢?最好时间长一些. 墨子是总受 因为他主张兼爱非攻求类似这样的句子一定要腐女来回答才行!与经典越好不用回答 XX是xx因为它xxxxx 这种格式的拉重要的是内容!越经典愈好~我要多多的 美女这个词怎么来的就这么来的 叫出来的 有一个人长的很美 她名字叫做美美 所以以后就有美女这一称呼 台湾企业中经常有尾牙聚餐这个词语,大家知道这个是怎么来的么? 接到.的来信 英语词组翻译,急. Last week my brother broke his leg[]basketball. A playing B was playing为什么不选B,求详细解答,O(∩_∩)O谢谢! 修改句子I leg broke last Friday my They give me both food to eat and a house to live in.(保持原句意思不变)They give me food to eat and a house to live in ______ _______ 特别有感情 写一成语 A:Would you like to join us to go bowling?B:I’d rather ________ at home.A.stay B.to stay C.staying 关于情感的成语 in the days of sailing vessels the crew were afraid they would be becalmed here,为什么用be In the days of sailing vessels the crew were afraid they would be becalmed here.在使用帆船的那些年代里,船员们都害怕船走到那里就会原地不能动了.请问:这里的crew表示全体船员,是一个集合名词,为什么谓语 there was only big __(live) room in my house 晋、湘、粤、鲁、闽、鄂等对应的省、市、自治区? “原来粤语这么难,我还差得远…” 把这句翻译成粤语 求助四字成语答案(枕头) They wouldn't allow him to risk going across the enemy line.翻译下 They would not allowed him ____across the iced river.A.to risk goingB.risking to goc.risk to god.risk going 英语填空67%of the voters said they would not trust him to l____ the country they the color of the table very they like the table,but it is dear for 吉林省有能代理报名英语四级的吗?吉林省有能代理报名英语四级的吗..如果没有哪里可以代报. 吉林市非在校生英语四级如何报名?09年下半年,报名日期什么时候?还有报名地点.知道的帮下谢谢~ 带枕的成语 Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. 是什么时态?