
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:52:34
2和3题.第二题麻烦给我个过程, 2和3题. 第2和3题 请问这个英语句型怎么解释?The emphasis shifted from that of the outsider looking in at the firm,to that of the financial manager making tough day-to-day decision that would affect the firm's performance.请问一下那个of是什么用法 六年级脱式计算带答案的!拜托了 帮我讲解一下英语句式she argues that discrimination against girls is so typical of co-educational schools that single-sex classes are the only answer.两个that分别是什么句式 英语句式解析you may find that those animals are always given something to eat in return for doing them .这是什么句型 英语句型求讲解He has let me use his House to put on fund raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.求全句成分划分,两个to在句子里起什么作用?put 这类句型是复合句吗? EXCEL将A1,A2,A3,A4,A5的各个数字相加的值,如果大于9,则继续将该值的各个数字相加,直到小于等于9.A1=6,A2=6,A3=6,A4=6,A5=5.即:A1+A2+A3+A4+A5=6+6+6+6+5=29=11=2用公式如何表达? 将多项式(x+y)^2-4(x+y)+4因式分解 已知a+x²=2009,b+x²=2010,c+x²=2011,且abc=6030,求a/bc+b/ca+c/ab-1/a-a/b-a/c的值 长方形周长20厘米,长与宽比3∶2,面积是多少? 英语答案同非常详细的解释1.He was made () of the meetingA chaiman B a director C a manager D the president 2.This film is ()A more good than ban B better than bad C more good than that one D better than bad film 3.Please give me ()you ha 一 选择1 Children should't have more money____ is needed.A than B which C that D whose 为什么请帮忙说下原因2 We were in___ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.A a rush so anxious B a such anxious rush C so an anxious rush D s 2.3题,过程,谢谢 两个初三因式分解计算题①(2x-1)(x+1)=(3x+1)(x+1)②(2x+1)^2+3(2x+1)+2=0 两个因式分解的计算题1.-0.16+a²b² 2.-p^4+81 长方形周长200厘米,长比宽多3倍,求长方形的面积多少平方厘米? 因式分解咋算? 因式分解怎么算阿 户外LED大屏幕安装!LED户外大屏幕挂墙的那种显示屏是先把钢结构固定在墙上再装LED屏组,还是在下面都装好后固定到墙上的(是磁柱式的)?如果是前者的话是不是装完屏幕最后还要把四周用 第2,3题, 第2, led显示屏的价格、规格、怎么计算尺寸等等新手入门,请达人详解! 英语一共几种句式? 长方形周长是36厘米,它的长和宽都增加6厘米,面积增加多少?3又2分之1+1.25/(4-2又2分之1)的简便运算! 在英语中,继续做某事有几种句型?分别是什么? 长方形周长是36厘米,如果长和宽都扩大3倍,那么周长是108厘米;如果长和宽都缩小4倍,那么面积最小是( )厘米?分析的过程是怎样的?不应该有小数出现。(即在整数范围内) 英语有几种句型转换 英语有几种基本句型最好是简称的 不是简称也行 英语的基本句型有哪几种there be 算不算 求一道简单的勾股定理题.急死.等边三角形的边长为6 ,则它的高的平方为?thank you ·······ps:别骂人、礼貌点···