
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 09:23:42
some的近义词 any和some是不是近义词 Which do you prefer ,coffee or tee?( )will do.I don't really mind.为什么用Either不用Both. 翻译 你要在咖啡里面加什么?__ __ you __ in coffee?你想去游泳吗?——you ——- —— ——? 沙特阿拉伯为什么住帐篷?印度尼西亚为什么住高脚屋?也门为什么住像碉堡一样的房子?日本为什么住抗震建筑?每个问题要回答200字四个都要回答,一共有四个! 沙特阿拉伯建成一座大型塑料帐篷,帐篷的圆形底面直径是228m.以每分钟80m的速度绕着它走一圈,至少要用几分钟?(得数保留整数) I think ____ necessary to look for more information about the book这里应该填什么,T_T ______about the economic crisis that he decided to look for more information about it.A.so curious he was B.so curious was he C. such curious he was D.such curious was he 选B为什么 I want to ____ more about the travel information.find find out look forfind find outlook for The little girl makes a paper bird把这个句子分进行.将来.过去时态各发出来(完整的句子)不要简要的说明在哪里+什么什么 屋顶防水可分为涂料防水和卷材防水.请问卷材防水的制作过程是怎样的?我家要把阳台防水加做一层.买好了卷材以及水泥805胶水. get more的意思 get get more 某班学生都订了两份不同的报纸,订数学报的有32人,订作文报的有40人,订英语报的有26人.求同时订数学报和英语报的有几人? the little girl comes from canada.(改为一般疑问句)The little girl comes from Canada.(改为一般疑问句)------the little girl ———fromCanada? you don't like this oil painting,do you (yes).i like it better(the more) i look at i like you more 和 i like you better 有什么区别 Jack likes art best because he likes d--- pictures a lot 注射猪口蹄疫O型疫苗后都有什么不良反应以及如何应对, 同学们订阅数学报、学习报和作文报,规定每人最少订一种,最多订二种,每人有多少种不同的订法. 一年级(下册)至六年级(下册)所有的古诗有那些?(人教版) 人教版六年级下册诗下册后面的,要和课文一模一样的.有七步诗什么的那些. of all the subjects,he did _____(badly) in math 四年级180名学生排成四路纵队即每排4人,每相邻两排间隔1米,那么这个队伍共长多少米? In the ninth grade at school,he got A's in all the subjects he took,which put him among the top ten students in the nation.1.请问A's为什么要加's2.请问这句which put him among the top ten students in the nation定语从句的先行词是什 ___ much progress you can make in all your subjects in the future,you should keep modest.A.howeverB.whateverC.whatD.how 甲乙两人同时从A地出发到B地去,甲每小时走3千米,乙每小时走5千米,行了10小时后,乙到达B地,又马上返回,在途中遇到了甲.两人从出发到相遇一共用了多少时间? 甲每小时走5千米,乙每小时走3千米,反向走,甲比乙早出发m,乙走n,两人相距几千米 甲.乙两人从A地去B地,甲的速度是每小时5千米,乙每小时4千米,甲出发时,乙先走了3小时,甲走10千米后,决定每小时走6千米,甲要几小时赶上乙· 实验小学四年级同学去参观科技馆.400人排成两路纵队,前后两人相距都是1米,队伍每分钟行进60米,现在要过一座长41米的桥,从第一排上桥到最后一排离开桥,一共需要几分钟? I'm interested in _____ he likes best.a.whoever b.whenever c.no matter who d.no matter what是A.A和D不是相等的吗,D为什么不对呢.做like的宾语不行吗