
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 00:40:51
英语翻译伯牙善鼓琴,钟子期善听.伯牙鼓琴,志在高山,钟子期曰:‘善哉,峨峨兮若泰山!’志在流水,钟子期曰:‘善哉,洋洋若江河!’伯牙所念,钟子期必得之.伯牙游于泰山之阴,卒逢暴雨,止于 “高山流水”出自《列子·汤问》,它本来是______,后来成了_______的代名词. 正想到这,一条黑毛毯掉下来把我盖住,几乎把我对美好时光的记忆封闭了(英文翻译) 《高山流水》战国《列子·汤问》中子期既死的既意思 母爱为什么是无私的?为什么? 为什么母爱那么无私 was watching tv,and,at nine o'clock,she,were,her parents,yesterday evening,so连词成句 四字格词填空循规___钜妙手___得___然大怒参天___立___洋大海 代表空格 这是综合填空,每空一词 就最后一格 的答案就可以了 .Manybig cities are wonderful places to live?.Now many people are moving to the cities in China.Because they think they can find good and their kids can study at good? sin(cosθ)是不是sin乘以cosθ呀 x平方-4x=396怎样解要用因式分解法 (x-2)的平方=4x如何解 求一篇关于UFO的英语科幻小文章内容最好是说一个人遇到UFO这种类型的。 蝉三条腿,鸭子两条腿,青蛙四条腿,一共有3600只头和13000只脚,蝉鸭青蛙合多少只? 一只青蛙四条腿,请问八只青蛙多少条腿 最近有没有什么好用的抢票软件?求推荐RT,本人今天上午抢高铁票,抢疯了也没抢到,现求一款抢票软件,求推荐,复制党就别来了,来了也不会理你.最好是自己亲自使用过的软件.我也不看评价啥, cosπ/12乘以sinπ/12 已知sinα乘以sinβ=1,求cos(α+β)给出具体的过程饿 英语翻译中英翻译, (X+1)的平方=4X怎么解 f(x)=1/2x2+lnx 求证:《f'(x)》n次方—f'(xn次方)≥2n次方—2 综合练习册 用所给词的适当形式填空seem lie wet convenient locate book1.The company decided to _________the new building near the river.2.Have you _________a room for your holiday trip?3.the sign says,"__________paint(油漆)!’So do 用所给词的正确形式填空(初一练习册上的)His father is a great _(music) in the USAThe two _(address)are Tom's and Lucy'sJim can do _(China) kung fuLily can _(draw) very well帮帮忙吧!追加高分!小妹明天就要交! 分解因式:a²-2a-b²+2b 已知f(x)=x的n次方且f'(-1)=-4,则n等于 在[m,n]上,f(x)=a的x次方(a>0且a≠1)值域 怎么写以助人为快乐的人的作文,只列提纲就行, 一个快乐的人怎么写 选择单词并用其正确形式填空 can come help need have draw on join trumpet e-mail Musicians wanted for the school show Your attention,please.We will _________ a show at 6:00pm _________ Sunday.We _________two good musicians for the show.If 选择恰当的词,并用其正确的形式填空.use,send,work,get,good,give,live,help,look,drive Jack Brown,an office__,lives in Washington.When he was 23 years old,he__ a million dollar,but he wasn't happy at all.全文及答案讲解, 选择适当的词语并用正确形式填空.as well,tell sb jokes,make fun of,take care of,go to work,give up,be strict about,all day and all night1、the manager()every worker's work in the company.2、alice( )her job to study in paris last year.3 翻译成中文(EBAY RISK)Company: A Well-known Americas E-BusinessPosition: Sr. Risk AnalystWork region: ShanghaiWork content:ResponsibilitiesThe Senior Risk Analyst/Risk Manger will be dedicated to the conception, design, implementation