
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 08:04:26
一个两位数,它的十位数字比各位数字小2,十位数字加上个位数字的7倍,还是等于这 2.若点在第二象限,且到X、Y轴的距离分别为4,3,则点的坐标为( 点P在第二象限,到x轴的距离是3,到y轴的距离是2那么点P的坐标是( ) 宝宝三岁,想买支点读笔,但市面上种类繁多,从科技市场到书店,价位从200多1000多,应该如何选择呢? 机械能守恒定律的物理问题在2008北京奥运会上,俄罗斯著名撑杆跳运动员伊辛巴耶娃以5.05m的成绩第24次破世界纪录.图为她在比赛中的几个画面.不计空气阻力,下列说法中正确的是A.运动 点M在第四象限,它到x轴,y轴的距离分别是2,3.则M的坐标是多少? M(x,y)在第二象限且M到X轴的距离为2,到y轴的距离为4,则M点坐标为() 怎样加强阅读理解能力? 怎样快速提高阅读题能力 当物距等于二倍焦距时,应用是什么 几道高中语法题.1.His lecture was___that even the master jioned in the applause in the endA.well presented extremely B.extremely well presented2.___no money, I had to leave the shop without the beautiful dressA.To have B.Having C.Have D. 语法题高中的don't bother me.do what you(will);i don't care.为什么不用would likeit has been suggested that people who watch television incessantly(may become)over passive.为什么不用should becomethey (may have arrived )home by now.let's 1.Is this museum____they visit yesterday?2.Is this the museum____they visit yesterday?3.Is this museum____they stayed yesterday?4.Is this the museum____they stayed yesterday?5.Is this the museum ____you visited yesterday beautiful?6.It was the museum 生命的宽度,求一篇作文 关于生命的宽度的作文 800字以上 What ____ it is to swim in the cool water in ____ hot weather!A.fun,so B.fun,/ C.a fun,the D.a fun,a为何不选A? Unemployment in some of the regions remained continuously high at 6 percent or more,______ few jobs for the young in many of the communities.A.of B.by C.for D.with You won’t believe how much there is to do in getting a visa.You need to have a birth certificate and _______ personal papers and fill out a bunch of forms.A.the other B.another C.other D.others 学校准备用方砖铺走廊,如果用面积是9平方米的方砖,需要480块,如果用面积是16平方分米的方砖,则至少需要多少块? 【高中英语】一道语法题,要解析_______you who turned down the offer.Now you regret ,and that is your fault.A.There is B.It is C.Here is D.That is 如图,甲乙两只蚂蚁同时从A点出发,甲沿着外侧的大圆爬行,乙在里面两个小圆沿“8”字型爬行.如果两只蚂蚁爬行的速度相同,问:是甲先回到A点,还是乙先回到A点?或者是它们同时回到A点?为什 甲乙两只蚂蚁同时从A点出发,甲沿着外侧爬行,乙在里面两个小圆沿“8”字型爬行.如果两只蚂蚁爬行的速度相同.问:甲先到还是乙先到?为什么? 我想给小孩买只点读笔,学海舟点读笔应该不错吧, 化简,只要第一步算式 学海舟点读笔对孩子的帮助大不大. 7岁的孩子是买点读笔好还是买点读机好呢?学海舟这个品牌可以么? 高中语法问题,请详细解答1.Scientists working _B_ a problem they do not know sometimes can't even guess what the final result will be. A. out B. on C. for D. to C为什么不行?2.. As far as we know, there 1 — Isn't it surprising to meet Grace at the conference _Yes,I really didn't think she ___here A would be B would have been 答案为什么不是B,我的理解:这是一个虚拟语气,他不应该在这的,而出现在这了.2As is often the cas 1How much vinegar did you put in the soup I'm sorry to say ,_____.I forgotA no B no none C nothing D what2The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the IPAD2 more comfortable_______.A held B holding C be held D to hold If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week,better____(forget)it---you've got some big bills coming.填什么? 三条直线两两相交,形成12个角,其中同位角有几对,内错角有几对?同旁内角有几对? 物体自由下落时,它所经过的距离h(米)和时间t(秒)之间可以用关系式h=5x(t的平方)来描述.上海金茂大厦观光厅高340米,如果从观光厅掉下一个物体,自由下落到地面约需_____秒(用含根号