
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:06:52
三开双控开关想当成三开单控来用,如何接线?替顾客问的,因为顾客买错开关了,要用单控却买了双控想请教下具体如何接但是顾客有以下的疑问,小店不能给及时答复,①:有一排是L1,L11,L2,L21,L3 这两个开关接的对吗 一个是单开单控 一个是双开单控 L2是塑料的 双开单控开关线头接法(最好有视屏或图)我家的接上后,一共三根线,三根都有电,是不是接错了.另外上面的问题也要回答哦! 英语翻译1- Go to Origin Games folder( Under Programs Files on your PC there is a folder named Origin )2- Remove the TM ( Trade Mark ) at the end of Battlefield 4.3-Then if you are working on Windows 7,hit “Run” at the Start menu and type "reg 你想要一些牛排吗?不,我想要一些羔羊肉.英语翻译 96 424 744 24 82 英语翻译These multiplexing strategies are very efficient because only the addresses of active elements are transmitted (as opposed to conventional scanning techniques that allocate the same bandwidth for all the pixels,independent of their activi 英语翻译1)Tom has no parents.He often feels sad and lonely.He asks Mr Smith,his teacher,"Why am I living in the world?Nobody needs me!"Mr Smith doesn't say anything.He gave Tom a stone (石头)."Go to the market.Put this stone up for sale.But rem 英语你我他怎么样 求助英文翻译 1.爱护公物,文明你我他 2..爱护公物,请勿喧哗 用英语怎么说?标准哦.thank you my he 我在一篇演讲稿里看到的,很是疑惑。 你我他翻译成英文是什么? 谁能给我一个英语的“你我他,你的我的他的,你们我们他们”的英语和宾格形式的啊?不要任何代词,查了半天的主宾,出来的全是代词 单开双控开关的接法,我的卧室想加个单开双控的开关,现在的情况是,开关A 的L L1 L2 开关B的L L1 L2电线有接灯的红色的火线,黄色的零线,外加的一组三根电线分别是蓝色 ,黑色,绿色 , 是两个双控开关控制一个灯还是一个双控一个单控? 英语翻译Understanding inclusion for disabled children and their familiesWhen examining research literature concerning the experience of disability in childhood it is important to be aware of the different approaches to that experience.A predomina 初一学生森林防火主题班会流程应该准备些什么活动,怎样调动学生的积极性,45分钟左右.分为三个环节,要写出环节中的活动,在趣味中宣传森林防火!在这两天之内! 森林防火班会主持稿.快,救命之恩无以回报~下星期三之前要! “连结你我他,沟通全世界”如何翻译 英语翻译Shortly after,the authors of the Port Royal Grammar were struck by the “marvellous invention”of a means to construct from a few dozen sounds an infinity of expressions that enable us to reveal to others what we think and imagine and f 装修房间里灯想用三个双控开关控制,进门一个双控开关,两边床头柜上各一个双控开关,怎样连接控制一个灯 英语翻译 368 翻译 森林防火的手抄报来不及了, 有关森林防火的手抄报森林防火,快啊,时间快到了 来不及了 森林防火手抄报怎么做 既然是可以修改内容,有框框就行,呵呵 已经找到了 没别的回答分数送你了 如何用英语描述绵羊?(急!————) 有谁知道好听的英文歌曲啊?介绍一些 英语翻译Nobody can show you what real love can do.We are always alone ,and nobody makes your day We just make our own days. 翻译几个英文句子,要中文,不要用翻译器Got their fingers in sb collar trying to turn sb all around You've placed your bets and he is gonna make you fall Now I know you're gonna try to say I stole this verse from Tim cause soon you'll wa 英语翻译