
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 17:20:50
从孔融让梨这个故事受到什么教育? 函数若y=5x+3m-2 是正比例函数,则m=___? 假如有个函数:y=3m(x-2)+1 它是正比例函数.求m=____?同上过程....快快快 陈太丘与友期行出自什么 初二下学期的英语笔记(人教版)初二下学期的英语笔记,(包括直接引语和间接引语,状语从句 等等) 世说新语 则是无信的 则:陈太丘与友期行的 期和行:尊君在不的尊、君、不 :我问的一个字一个字 陈太丘与友期行他们的优点是什么 Dick made the good news__to all his friends.A.to know B.known C.know D.knowing 若函数y=(m²-3)x^(m²+3m+1)的图像在所在每一个象限内,y随x的增大而增大则m的值为(m²-3)x^(m²+3m+1)是指m的次方是指x的次方为(m²+3m+1)若反比例函数y=(m²-3)x^(m&# John seems_____( know) the bad news. 是填to know还是knowing? 初三的听力音频MP3下载?新课标 李白的早发白帝城与三峡课文有什么联系李白的早发白帝城与三峡这篇课文有什么联系 郦道元的三峡与李白的早发白帝城 I don't think he (是 know还是knows) 初一单项选择(我排除了两个) 是选择 I think he knows her . 还是选择 I don't think he know her. i don't think i konw和 i think i don't know哪个对 I don\'t think he like the sports news 怎么回答 初二上学期第一课课文water talkWater talk Daisy was in the bathroom.She was brushing her teeth and tap was on.Water was pouring into the sink and vanishing down the down.‘Turn that tap off’,a voice said loudly.daisy froze.She looked roun do you know what the news is 还是 do you know what is the news 为什么?急 I am sorry for not ()(let)you know the good news earlier 动词填空 请问谁知道《YOU KNOW I'M NO GOOD》的歌词? 谁能帮我写一篇“我的偶像 英文 JB”的作文.今天中午要! 摘抄钢铁是怎样炼成的600字3篇 求一篇写最近新闻的一篇英语文章大致描写一下事情再谈谈你的看法(choose a news story that interests you.Explain why you find it interesting.why you like it and how it make you feel) 在文言文《郑人买LU 》中的三个读字各读什么三个度字,不是读字 我从 那里学到的 500___550字 Not all my friends kmow the good news(同义句) Not all my friends know the bad news __ __ my friends __ the bad news 钢铁是怎样炼成的摘抄和心得 描写炎热夏天的作文 钢铁是怎样炼成的 摘抄和感悟摘抄450字、感悟200字、、、要选书中的文段