
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:15:56
这次地震,日本经济能倒退多少年?色终合国力 日本这次地震估计得经济倒退多少年呀? 出售雨伞的英文广告词 the best wishes to you for birthday这个语法有错么? We had a good time at the party yesterday 同义句 We____ ____ at the party yesterday have a good time 的同义句是enjoy oneself ,但是如果是We had a good time yesterday应该怎么套用公式呢会了的话帮帮忙, 王阿姨今天售出20把雨伞,其中15把雨伞比进价加价20%出售,另外5把雨伞比进价降价20% 问是赚了还是亏了 王阿姨今天售出20把雨伞(一共卖了440元) ……王阿姨今天售出20把雨伞(一共卖了440元),其中15把雨伞比进价加价20%出售,另外5把雨伞比进价降价20%出售.王阿姨今天是赚钱了还是亏本了?知 王阿姨今天售出20把雨伞王阿姨售出20把同样地雨伞,其中15把雨伞比进价加价20%出售,另5把雨伞比进价降20% 20.--- I've had enough bread.Would you like_____________?--- No thanks.A.a few more B.one more -----Would you like ( ) more coffee,Jenny?-----No,thanks.I've got enough.A.little B.some C.very D.much为什么不选D 英语翻译 英语翻译 急需一篇英语对话.关于推销某件物品的.最好超过20节对话.是销售推销某样东西的,楼房啊,汽车啊,化妆品之类的.如果有高手帮我写篇也可以...记住啊...是要对话啊.我觉得好的话100分就你的. 用英语写一篇关于推销产品的演讲稿?(字数尽量多点)急、、、 谁能告诉我the best wishes to dear friend,the best wishes to you 英语选择题:求解! There _ juice or cakes in the fridge. A.is any B.is no C.are not some D.are any 连词成句:the,some,there,gosling,are,pond,in// 请随便吃点蛋糕吧 翻译成英语 (Please ___ ___ ___ some cakes) 某英语试题:There( )some mi l k and cakes on the table, let,s go and have some .选项:A: i s B:are C:was D:were 选出正确答案,并说明一下为什么这样选 another some与some more的区别与联系I want another some applesI want some more apples一样吗?请解释一下语法 THANKS Would you like ( ) bananas?A.another B.any more C.some more D.one more 王阿姨售出20把同样地雨伞,其中15把雨伞比进价加价20%出售,另5把雨伞比进价降20%出售,王阿姨赚还是亏了一共卖了440元. There are many ____ (fish) at the pool. How many buckets of ____ are there in the pool? A:fish B:flowers C:water完形填空,帮帮忙~~~~(>_ ()fish are there in the bowl 这个括号的选项有四个.A.how many B.how much C.much D.many 用一根铁丝刚好焊成一个长5分米,宽3分米,高2分米的长方体框架,这根铁丝长多少分米? Thank you for the same!Best wishes! 309.What's ____weather like in Shanghai in ______winter?A.the ,the B.the ,a C.the ,/ D.a,a 若本人姓名为“张三”,则编写程序,在屏幕上显示如下图形:张三 张三张三 张三张三张三 张三张三张三张三若本人姓名为“张三”,则编写程序,在屏幕上显示如下图形:张三张三张三张三张 英语翻译:sample looks a bit hippy