
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 17:00:51
散文的简单格式就是第一部该写些什么,第二部该写些什么……我要写的主题是我的理想(老师出的题目,我从来没写过散文,我晕!)随便写和无字数的最难写啊!叫我怎么写啊- - i saw an old man fall over on the street y( ) 浙江事业单位综合基础知识(含写作)中的作文占几分?是材料分析题还是公文题? 常用公文的写作重点是什么? 这些钱被很好的用来帮助贫困地区的孩子 The money()()()() help children in poor My sister is a student .改为一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答My sister is a student .改为一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答 否定句. Have you got a pen?看译文是你有笔吗?我想知道,这里为什么不说Do you have a pen ?而要用have got,意思是有什么区别,为什么要这么用? have you got a pen(刚才的问题)该怎么回答?yes,.no,. Have you got a pen 假如二战时期日本入侵苏联而没有发动太平洋战争的话,后果会怎样? 朽怎么组词 朽可以组什么词至少两个 every week he takes___exercise on the playground.A.two hour's B.two hours' C.two hour D.a two-hour I don't often get his l( ) but Ioften write to him.kuai!yao dui di! 连()带()形式的词语 读诗句,猜词语.小荷才露尖尖角( ) 根据诗句猜词语急 山外青山楼外楼—() 白云生出有人家—() 轻舟已过万重山—() 飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天—() 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼—()不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此 看句子猜词语别人用一份力量.自己则用百倍力量.指用百倍的努力赶上别人. 求7-10题答案 简单英语题(若答的好送20分)1.prevent/keep/protect/release sb. from……有什么区别啊? 为什么___sb. from anxiety 一定是填release呢?2.symbol,sign, signal,example又有什么区别呢?3.find, discover都作发现解时又 you is a student.还是you are a student. 是Are you sister ill还是Is 一.根据句意和汉语提示完成单词.1.I want to be a_______(向导;导游)when l grow up.2.Oo you mind ________(close)the door?二.翻译句子.1.薇拉觉得她的假期怎么样?_____did Vera ____________________ her vacation?2.我不同意 英语 1.the young woman tries to make her daughter see——2.we should not look down upon those AIDS patients.Right,they are in —-need of care and love.3.I'm sorry to hear your mother is ill in hospital.A That's all rightB.don't be so sorry.she w 用英语答 英语求答 th前面加3个字母,成单词 如图:20题. 英语翻译1.because her friends knew her to be deeply terrified of sick and dying people.对这里"to be"放在这里不懂,在列一下它的应用.2.she said she would rather be a single parent than make do with an unhappy marriage.对这里"do" 英语翻译 过程发图给我 如下图,要过程