
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:48:05
"THIS COLD,COLD SCILEN..."是什么歌中文的,女生唱的部分歌词:我的爱变了你不闻不问我只能傻傻听着彼此呼吸声你的爱变冷我不能过问就象石头丢进水里却没回声THIS COLD,COLD SCILEN(可能拼错,读音是" This year was not cold It's cold this morning.(对cold划线提问) what_____ Tom have? what good would guns have been to tom and me?具体讲解给俺说一下, 谁精通石油词汇英语翻译a? 石油词汇upgraders翻译 How long ____ the cold weather ____here every year?选项是:A.is;lasted B.does;last C.will;be last D.is lasted;for How long is this going to take you?对应的陈述句是不是this is going to take you one hour? —Doctor,I caught a bad cold,I had a sore throat.—How long _____ like this ?A did you B were youC have you been D do you About two thousand of the fans are waiting here.这句怎么理解啊?不是有头无尾吗?通常是 three thousand ,thousands of 请问use up 等于? use to do sth等于什么词组 Resume的含义 Resume norma是什么意思 improve resume的意思问题它的一个“重新开始”的意思是指继续还是从空白来过? resume building是什么意思 Gory,gory what a hell of a way to die! ——to have been rich A.they say b.he is said c.it is said d.that was said Someone wisely said,"There are people so poor that the only thing they have is money"这句话里面的 wisely怎么翻译合适呢?翻译成“明智地/精明地”似乎不太好.有没有更好的翻译?可是后面那句话,“有些人穷的 用英语说:我的名言是What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.具体怎么说?3Q-What is your motto?-我的名言是What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.具体怎么说..My motto is..后有什么时态变化,还是直接加. I have contacted to sb and they said,that there are any problems left.I have contacted to sb and they said,that there are any problems left.这是国外客户发来的E-mail~是对我们让她催国外货代的回复邮件.急~ I played a new computer(about)at home yesterday这里为什么about? --- Alice came back home the day before yesterday.--- Really?Where ______?选项:a、has she been b、 had she been c、 has she gone d、had she gone 选哪个?这是什么倒状语法?帮我分析一下 依照例句仿写句子,要求字数、内部结构一样.例句:如果把人生比作四季,那么便有寒来暑往,草荣草枯,花开花落.仿句:如果把人生比作——-—,那么便有————,————,————.要求第 仿照下面的比喻形式,另写一组句子,要求内容,句式和修辞手法与例句保持一致,不要求与原句字数相同.知己,是一把伞,明朗时轻轻收起,阴雨时豁达张启. Turn Off then onerror turn off then on 请问各位大侠,in my personal sense 和or put it in another way的意思,谢谢麻烦了,请帮我讲解一下 you had better put it in another way we did not quiet catch your ()说明理由 翻译句子 谢谢heartmindmeaning wonder Let me put it another way.It's really nothing at all.翻译 Put another way,it’s whose son is being hassled.是所描述意思