
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:58:18
how long has this shop been established/opened?这个店开了多久?Is this correct?Please provide a better answer. 什么是四角号码? 麻烦一段中文翻西语~亲爱的Lupita:谢谢你帮我们转交礼物给V,她收到了吗?是否喜欢我们的礼物?V最近在忙些什么?我们都很想念她,如果你见到她,请帮我们转达对她的问候!希望你和V一切顺心 谁能帮忙翻一下下面的西班牙语邮件Desde ya estoy sorprendido de su pronta respuesta y esto sinceramente agradesido de poder tener su acesoramiento tecnico para la prestacion desus producto .En este momento no me encuetro e mi oficina pa 老的四角号码是什么 高手帮我翻一下下面的文字为西班牙语!可不可以帮我把下面的文字翻译成西班牙语?感激不尽您好,您询价上的所有海运成本如下:货物总体积:4 CBM海运费 38usd /CBM文件费 50 USD买单报关 80 USD A:What do you love collecting?B:I love collecting..A:Why do you like collecting them?B:Because...这是一个喜欢收集什么的对话.有些单词的连用不会. It took him two hours to play with computers last night.(改为同义句) He _____ two hours ______ wi那个对啊 Does he like to play with his cat?做否定回答 what does kitty want to buy?怎么回答 Tom,what presrnt do you want to buy _______ Kate?A.to B.for C.with D.at-The juice is delicous ,John,-Then,do you want _______ more?A.a little of B.a bit C.little D.a bit of what does john want to buy what else do you love collecting?改为同义句 — — — do you like collecting?添三个空 It’s has been quite a long time我想说好久不见 正确的应该怎么写 "来”的四角号码是? 四角号码 单笔 what he says make me laugh ,还是makes ( ) Jim and Tom want to swim?A.Does B.Do C.Are D.Is 关于牛津英汉大辞典牛津词典里有没有专门的高频词部分?因为我要出国,所以只要有高频词的就行 牛津大辞典的余光中序什么?牛津高阶双解大辞典第6版 would have done的一道题Given more time and space,she____more books,although she has weitten a dozen books.A.will write B.would have written C.would write D.would have been written该选什么 讲下道理 written 不好意思 打错了 三毛流浪记的作者 三毛流浪记有没有分集介绍? What she did ( ) us surprised?A.to make B.made C.making选哪个?希望得到细心指导. 12.What she did us surprised.A.to make B.made C.making The girl is ( ) a green coat.A.wear B.wears C.wearing D.to wear 翻译when you fail to plan,you plan to fail. wear的冠词使用:Look at the boy wearing glasses.Look at the girl wearing the bright dress.为什么glasses的前不加冠词,而bright dress的前面要加呢?是bright的原因吗? 英语翻译翻译. Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you.翻译 三毛流浪记的作者是谁? what do you think of what she did?-what she did still us feel very sad now.A makes B makeC is making D is made