
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:09:45
翻译自国外的表格还需要信效度检验吗? 翻译都需要哪些原料? 直角三角形ABC的面积为24平方厘米,直角边AB为6厘米,角A是锐角,则sinA=? Hey there,I will be really appreciated if someone could explain what does "dry humpping" means in in chinese. ------There are lots of robots ____ in the exhibition.------- Oh,really?I will go there.A.at present B.later on C.on display D.on shown 卷 下 天 席这4个字怎么组成语知道的帮一下 I enjoy ____(run) in the park every morning. The flower were so lovely that they_in no time.AThe flower were so lovely that they_in no time.Asold B had been soldCwere sold D would sold为什么选C? in the yard这个词组是对的吗?写作文急需这个词组啊~ 有没有in the bookstore这个词组 词组:在世界上 in the world=_________? 汉语拼音字母歌 abcdefg hijklmn.怎么唱?特别是w 《问题》在ABCDEFG……XYZ等26字母中,A和Z恋爱了,但是它俩为什么不能在一起呢? ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQ RST UVW XYZ哪个音标是ei 哪个是[i ] 哪个是[e] 哪个是[ai] 哪个是[ju ] My world you do not understand ;You will always be things to your 求一份人教版高二下期的地理复习提纲! 倒金字塔英语怎么说 Twelve percent of the workers here______ women.A.is B.are为什么?工人的12%是女性,我觉得工人的12%是一个整体数字啊. besides和in addition有区别吗拜托了各位 in addition to 与 besides的区别呢 in addition to和besides的区别.不要贴别人的.那些我都看过了. 下列形声字的形旁和声旁结构方式相同的一组是( )A材 铜 攻 战B架 案 堡 芳C草 景 管 露 D闷 闻 园 固 下列全是形声字,且其形旁与声旁结合方式完全相同的一组是;( )A地飘衷江 B梨雷碧莽 C颖辩闷衷 D匾阔园病 判断下面形声字的构成形式,并写出它们的形旁和声旁.肤:( )行( )声,形旁是( ),声旁是( ).剧:( )行( )声,形旁是( ),声旁是( ).璧:( )行( )声,形旁是( ),声旁是( 下面形声字形旁和声旁结合方式完全相同的一项是()A.油 蛉 领 鸥 B.芳 草 界 膏C.壁 袋 露 警 D.园 阁 裹 衷 什么叫形声字,什么是形旁和声旁 1.He ()his gun ()his head(瞄准).2.He will come here at once.(同义句)He will come here(). the man who is a modle worker will come here 分析句子成分 He is here(改为倒装句) here is how it happens.这个倒装句怎么译更好? Your coat is here.倒装句 Your kite is here改为倒装句