
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 23:53:02
中国近代有哪些光荣的外交史? 中国近代外交的特征是什么? 中国近代有历史性的一些外交史?要典型有跨越性的 航天飞船在绕地球做椭圆轨道运动时,其运动速度与所受的万有引力有什么大小关系 飞船绕地球飞行时减一次速后轨道一定是椭圆吗? 用名词性物主代词造句(mine,yours,his,hurs,its,ours,theirs)造句发错了,应该是hers,sorry,影响你们答题了!发的急没记清楚,本人是新生,多多包涵!(英语初级)先发过来的并且正确的我会 看一看.写一写 his hers mine yours ours1.—Is this your bag?—No,it isn't.is big.2.—Where's Lily's bag?—It's here.This is .3.—Look!This blue hat is mine.Can you see Mr.Wang's hat?—It's over there.The black one is .4. Let's get 和平的 的英文急 英语作文.写自己的过去跟现在.我是女生.就是写过去跟现在的差距啊什么的. 用mine,yours,his,hers,theirs,ours填空.1.This is my sweater.It is( )2.That is your book.It is( ) 3.Sam took my T---shirt.It is not( )4.This is Kate is cap.It is( )5.Which pen is yours?( )is in my bag.翻译每个单词和句子的意思 HELP ME 英语翻译Carbon dioxide is found in some oil and gas fields as aseparate gas phase or dissolved in oil.This type of storage isrelatively common in Southeast Asia,China and Australia,less common in other oil and gas provinces such as in Algeria,Rus 宋之鄙人得璞玉献之子罕,子罕不受.鄙人曰:“此宝也,宜为君子器,不宜为细人用.解释谢了 宋子罕以廉为宝_“不若人有其宝”中的“若”是什么意思?“宋人或得玉”中的“或”是什么意思?“不若人有其宝”中的“若”是什么意思?原文:宋人或得玉,献诸子罕.子罕弗受.献玉者曰: 子罕说宝中子罕置诸其里的诸是什么意思? 用mine,his,hers,yours造两个句子是各造两个 help me 用mine 、 yours 、theirs、his、hers、its 分别造句、造完后意思! help me! mine、yours都在什么时候用?不要造句, 怎么做都像是错,help me mine= yours= hers= 求救呀!谁会做啊!help me! 新概念英语怎么学? 新概念英语 怎么学 子罕弗受玉的原文译文 英语翻译凯枫是我的名字 给我翻译成英文名 希望告诉我怎么读 fill in the blanks with mine ,yours,his,hers,theirs,and,ours. 英语翻译Homemakers and those with little household power report income as often as others if allowed to report approximate rather than exact amounts. 英语翻译Then we flew the coop to Michigan to start a new be-ditchingMissouri from Michigan didn't workSo we moved back to Missouri from Michigan,from Missouri back to MichiganSomeone put me out my misery,I can't do this againMom please stick to a 急求高中三年英语单词录音带请给个地址, 子罕弗受玉>的译文急2~!