
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 04:16:37
第二张,先到给好评,初三英语 6-15 、、 6-12 初三英语,解答必给好评 、 14-20 一道初三英语选择题(二十一)The diagram shows what has happened______the forests of the USA?A atB toC fromD with我选A的,正确答案是B, 加急1.--- What did he say?---He asked__________.a.if did your uncle catch the “bird flu” virusb.who has been sent up into apace in “Shenzhou VI”c.when Zhalong nature reserve became one of the world’s important wetlandsd.that the 2008 Olym 1)She asks how much hot water_______A,Mum is neededB,does mum needC,mum needsD,did mum need 2)I ask______A where he is Bwhere is hec he is whereDwhat is he3)he asked how ____to londona,would they gob,are they going c,they would god,they are going 1.That is the hotel ()they are staying2.I went to the beautiful city ()My father used to live3.This is the village ()I was born4.This is the park ()We visited last week5.We like the restaurants ()the envioronment is clean and quiet.选项都是A:th 12.______ we deal with our problems,we can easily become unhappy.A.Unless B.Until C.Though D.Whether为什么选A不选C?6.The boy doesn't speak his sister,but his written work is very good.A.as well as B.so good as C.more better than D.more worse th 初三英语题!求解答!给好评!. 英语大神飘过来,51-55 有几道初三英语帮忙看下46 50 51 53 55 61 63 初三英语试题(如图26~51)回答者给好评,看不清追问, 求大神解也!一定好评!看不楚可放大!(51-57)题!51-55题翻译 初三英语,51---59题 初三英语52-55 找规律写数: 5÷9的商用循环小数表示是( ),保留两位小数是( ) (5÷9的商用循环小数表示是( ),保留两位小数是( ) (急!求答案) 5?9的商用循环小数表示为(),保留两位小数(),精确到千分位是() 1分之3=6÷()=()÷6=9分之() (x+3)÷6=9 x= 3(x—3)=6. 3(x-2)=9.6 小军在算有余数的除法时,把被除数237错写成了273这样商比原来多了而余数正好相同.这道题的除数和余数各是多少?为什么? 琪琪在计算有余数的除法时,把被除数237错写成273,这样商比原来多了4,而余数相同.这道题的除数和余数各是多少? 2001乘2001减2001 3,6,9,12,15,18……300,303是一个等差数列,所得的所有数字的积的末尾有多少个连续的0?这是一个奥术题,但愿可以在今天内有个数学天才帮我解出这道题! 数列3,6,9,12,15,18...,300,303是一个等差数列.这个等差数列中所有数的和是数列3,6,9,12,15,18...,300,303是一个等差数列.(1)这个等差数列中所有数的和是________;(2)这个等差数列中的所有数连乘,所得的 数列3、6、9、12、15、18、…、300、303是一个等差数列.(1)这个等差数列中所有数的和是多少?(2)这个等差数列中所有数连乘,所得的积的末尾有几个连续的“0”. 数列3,6,6,9,12,15,18,...,300,303是一个等差数列.这个等差数列中所有数的和是多少?这个等差数列中的所有数的连乘,所得的积的末尾有多少个连续的“0”? 能简便的简便,2分之25乘3.2乘0.25 90乘(72减14.4)除3.6 9分之77减8分之21减1.375 1,.计算 1375-37÷15×182. 40.5÷0.81-16×0.243. 2007+2007×99