
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:46:55
如何理解孔子"仁者爱人"和"中庸之道"的哲学观点,并说说它的时代意义.要论文!2000字左右!尽量收集成论文给我, 孔子[为政以德][知其不可而为之][仁者爱人][诲人不倦][中庸之道]分别讲了什么理念.分别什么思想高考之际.记得答全. I _______ around but ______nothing.A.look;see B.see;look C.look;look D.see;see 歇后语后半句为全靠一张嘴的前半句.( )上树--全靠一张嘴 “天变黑了”用英语说是It went dark 还是It got dark还是两个都可以? 改错:1\Because it is very cold ,so Icatch a cold 2\The boy looked the sky ,but he saw nothing改错;3\She is doing her homework every day4\Giraffes usually eat the leafs on the top of trees I looked carefully but saw nothing 我注意看了但是什么也没有看到look 在连缀动词里是看起来,look at 是注视.在这里为什么用了iook?如何区分?不是说look和Iook at 的意思不同吗?这里的意思不是感观动 动物(  )上树——全靠一张嘴 是can you bring me to your father 还是can you take me to your father Where( )your father ( )(live) 英语翻译呃,那个东汛塘岸是类似于某某路的,用拼音打比较好....而且,应该是从小到大的顺序吧... 英语翻译400字左右 闻官军收河南河北的翻译 求 闻官军收河南河北 翻译文400字以上 英语翻译 闻官军收河南河北翻译 write a short passage sbout your own vacation是啥意思啊? write your own newspaper want ad Write a passage about your own day.Then talk about it with your classmates.You may begin like this 怎么自学新概念英语1我学了有将近半个月,学到第6课了,单词,课文都背下来了,可为什么感觉还是糊里糊涂的。 rose,代表玫瑰,一般用单数还是复数?请 rose变成的复数的发音roses的s发音iz还是 s rose garden的复数是什么?急.急呀,是rose后面加s,还是garden后面加,还是都加. Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage to state your views on 不说憋屈说了矫情 很多事都介于不说憋屈和说了矫情之间,这话什么意思 很多事都介于“不说憋屈”和“说了矫情”之间. 很多事都介于不说憋屈和说了矫情之间 这句话最早出自哪? Beijing has many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours.has后面填什么 Beijing has so many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush( ) .A.an hour B ,moment 选择哪个?为什么?sorry、正确答案我没打上,是hours 但为什么啊? Beijing has ____ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours.such or so Beijing has so many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush ().A.a hour B.hours C.momentD.an hour