
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:17:44
已知f(x)=(1-3^2)/(1+3^2),若方程f(x)-8/5sinθ=0在x属于[-2,2]上恒有实数解,求θ得取值范围 把300块长20厘米宽10厘米高6厘米的砖块叠放在一起体积是多少立方米? 长60厘米,宽18厘米,高20厘米的砖块,请问一立方有多少砖块 有一种长20厘米,宽15厘米的砖块,用这样的砖块铺成正方形的地,至少需希望有人能用公式把它解出来, 1 if i say"( )basketball!",he goes to catch a ball or puts it into a basket.A play B plays Cdo Ddoes2 what a fine day!how about( )out for a walk?Ago Bto go Cgone Dgoing (1)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1.Would you like ----- (have) a large bowl of noodles?2.Would you like something ------(drink)?3.I'd like -----(have)a cup of tea?(2)单项选择---------?--I'd like some tea,please.A.Can I help you B.What Nothing can make me ___ my mind.A.change B.to change C.changing D.changed还有一道,The Blacks are ___ a tour round the Eiffel Tower.A.in B.on C.at D.for 七年级下学期英语练习请写出选择的语法理由,详细些更好,越快越好22:They live____,although they’re poor.B happy C happily24:The students in different countries will ____ know each other better by speaking English.A can B may 我们老师让我们用be from写四个一般疑问和四个特殊疑问!再用come from 写四个一般疑问和四个特殊疑问!作出回答! 英汉互译:电台节目 _________ (这时,节目好像用show)在广播电台_________他从不弹吉他______________ (never)根据首字母提示,补全单词I do not like music at all.So I n____ sing songs.My home is near the TV s____.Running 问一到数学题 在空格内填入1到9 不要重复 来自星星的你男主角叫什么名字 怎么用正方形纸叠心啊?就是叠纸鹤那种纸. 七年级下学期英语帮我写一篇My winter holiday 9*9方格横竖不重复1到90=空格 020030408 305807091 080040500 802000076 000670100 560001084 004200700 170059023 006003040 怎样用正方形的纸叠心 怎么用正方形纸叠心 (2008·宁波江北区)下表是初二某班50名同学素质测试的成绩统计表成绩(分) 60 70 80 90 100人数(人) 2 13 x y 5(1)若全班的平均成绩是81.8分,求80分和90分的人数.( 2)如果这次测试成绩的 卷子是连下去拍的 数轴上两点a b分别表示实数3根号2和4(1)请判断A,B两点的位置,即点A在点B的左边还是右边?(2)计算A,B两点之间的距离(精确到0.01) a=3-根号5 c=5-2根号5 试判断实数a c的大小 若根号a^2= -a,则实数a在数轴上对应的点一定在 在方格里填上正确的数,1.5*3.2________________ ________________ 1.He became a part of the club last Wednesday.He _______ the club last Wednesday.2.The old man reached the top of the mountain at last.________ the old man reached the top of the mountain.3.They reached Beijing yesterday afternoon .They _________ ___ He goes to many countries.He often tellf me about his stories in those countries.We have a lovely cat in America's home.But we cannot take it with us. 请说明下理由Everyone likes eating ice-cream.Did you ever think () where it came from?为什么要选about而不选of,think of和think about都有考虑的意思啊,但是这里为什么要选about? 七年级英语(解答并说明原因)1、Does Betty's aunt often go to_______(钢琴音乐会)on Sunday.2、Shall we go to the Daming's birthday party together?(改为同义句)What( )( )to the Daming's birthday party together?3、Betty,would 1.walk the bridge carefully.It's dangerous to run.2.At the beginning of each class ,we listen to a song. 制作统计表是,首先应收集( ),然后在把这些数据进行( ),最后绘制成统计表. 现将连续自然数1至2004按照每排7个的方法排成1个长方形阵列,用一个正方形框出9个数要使一个正方形框出的9要使一个正方形框出的9个数之和为2007?是否可能?若不可能,试说明理由,若有可能, C语言编程:序列求和.有一分数序列:2/1,3/2,5/3,8/5,13/8,21/13,...求出这个数列的前n项之和.关于输入 第一行为整数m,表示有m行数据需要处理.其后每行一个整数n,表示求前n项之和.关于输出 输出为m 英语翻译