
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 15:19:45
请问let's make sure it gets to who it's intended for的结构 和 意思 A balloon______it.(pin/a/if/stick/you/bursts/into/it)这是关于一个条件状语从句 heuristic什么意思 Heuristic/Suspicious heuristic是什么意思? knee的复数形式是什么 putting on a putting on the dogs I cut my I cut my knee.(对画线部分提问)(划线部分是cut my knee) comparing with traditional cards ,electronic cards are more lively and insteresting.短文改错,comparing with traditional cards ,electronic cards are more lively and insteresting.They can give not pictures but also sound and animation.Besides,it is explosion venting是什么意思 sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees 这句咋个翻译? A storm ______ (happen/take place) across that river last week.用所给词的适当形式填空.是填“happened”还是填“took place”?why? putting up的反义词是什么 困惑梅花的英文(祥看补充)谁能告诉我啊?(奖励多多)既然梅花的果实与普通吃的话梅类的梅不是同类品种,那为什么梅花的英文是plum blossom?这不就等于是李子花(做话梅的就是李子那类的吧)了 Though school life most of 和most怎么用,most countries,大多数国家,为什么不用most of 1 Those volunteers are____(主要)from the developing countries 2It's one of the most serious____(病例)that I have ever seen The red light distric 什么意思 The light is red now.We can go. 找错误 The red light distric是什么意思 beautiful beach加不加the The boy is too old to go to school .的同义句是什么?The boy ( )old ( )to go to school.空里填什么。 Bill is Australian.Sydney is his h______.首字母填空急 快 Amy is s( ) at sunnyside Shopping mall nowThey match her f( ) T-shirt. I am confident 的英语作文,谁有?大概100Z的、、 acm 1002 老是Presentation Error package one;import java.util.Scanner;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {int n,j=1;String a,b;char[] a1,b1;int[] sum1,a2,b2;Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);n = in.nextInt();while ((n--) > 0 提交ACM时 Presentation Error吉林大学 acm 1009 Zorro代码如下:#include "stdio.h"#define M 500#define N 500void setZ(int len,char z[M][N]);void printfZ(int len,char z[M][N]);int main(){ int n,i,j; char z[M][N];bool flag=true;while(scanf("%d access of new travel area with a stable business models 立威廉有老婆吗?那立威廉几岁啊? he said he wanted to()to africa and he needed $5000.