
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:09:32
audio in this system has not been enabled什么意思 This tower,_____ they are planning to have decorated,is always the best place to have a view of the sea.A where Bwhich Cwhat Dthat还有请区分hold back hold down hold up He speaks English_____. How did the difference between them ( A.be from B.Come from选择哪个,为什么? 桥梁远景图 作者对未来的桥梁做了哪些大胆的想象 急需茅以升《桥梁远景图》的原文, 茅以升在《桥梁远景图》提到的几种“将来的桥梁”,现在实现了那些? I always reading the Chinese books还是I always read the Chinese books I always read books in my s_____ 1、He always buys books to read.(改为一般) 2、I often want tu take off my glasses.(主语变She) He enjoys to read books.哪里错了 被霞光烘托的云变幻无常.改为比喻句 被霞光烘托的云变化无常,改为比喻句 霞光照在水面上改写成比喻句 高中英语阅读理解需要读全文吗我们老师说一个阅读理解7,8分钟要做完,可是我读全文后大概就7,8分钟了,再加上思考所以慢很多,老师说可以不读全文,但是如果我不读全文根本不知道题怎么做 Caroline的音标,或者语音,如果有各种女英文名的语音那更好,我会把悬赏分弄高的 Enjoyed怎么读?要注上音标. 茅以升造了哪些桥? 改正英语错句.Tonight we're talking at Alan. 茅以升说桥是什么 一句英语,是对还是错,错了帮忙改正I have forteen apples and fourty bananas. 茅以升曾经建造过什么桥只要名称,不要其他补充说明! 读茅以升造桥炸桥的感想 100字左右 different between与differences between有什么区别? 茅以升建造过哪些桥?至少四个 茅以升建造的是哪座桥茅以升建造的桥,在哪个地方建的,现在情况怎么样 茅以升修了什么桥 There are( )(many)cars on the road in summer than in winter.He searched the bag for his money.改为He( )( )his money( )the bag.He was not afraid any more.改为He was not ( )any more.He found that she was happy yesterday.改为He found( )( )yesterda be different from同义句转换,His computer is different from mine.His computer is ____ ____ ____ ____ mine. be different from等于什么 根据所给适当形式填空1、Is that old man still_______(live)?2、Did you report the_____(lose)of y一、适当形式填空1.Is that old man still_______(live)?2.Did you report the_____(lose)of your car to the police?二、根据题意写 That old man is 90 years old ,he's still quite healthy.为什么用heathy