
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:03:23
31和32题 31和32题 英语翻译就是高中必修3 第五单元里 的文章 英语翻译是必修三英语Unit5 “THE TURE NORTH” FROM TORONTO TO MONTREAL翻译The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrive 英语翻译是高中必修三的一篇课文,在34页,马上开学了 写不完 老班KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 全文啊 第30、31、32题怎么写啊? want,like,a,that,car,one,he用所给词的适当形式组成句子 I want a car like that one 翻译 The children were formed into small groups,going from door to collect old clothes. If you want to go out of the cinema,which door do you go from?A.Enter B.Exit 请帮我翻译, He works from dawn to dusk to keep the wolf from the door. Here ______ three children from the next doorA come B comes C is coming D coming 2012英文观后感300字左右 中文+英文 ___the same mistakes again made his parents very angry,填什么,为什么a,his having made b,He has madec,He had makingd,Him making 英语作文2012春晚观后感 英文的~......在说遍要求 额 也没麽要求 就是给个大纲就是了 我现在缺的就是一个结构 望回答 经典英文电影 俩人对白 要五到六分钟的 最好有视频链接经典英文电影 俩人对白 要可以说五到六分钟的 最好有视频链接 en,这是给两个女生准备的对白,要上台讲的,几个要点:1.一定要两 求5、6分钟的英文电影对话RT,是两个人的,时间不少于4分钟,最好是两个女的之间的对话(小孩子、卡通的)也行,中间无第三者插话;是英文电影哦;最好内容有趣点的,而不是很死板的;有视 To have and to hold from this day forward ,for better ,for worse ,for richer ,for poorer ,in sickne I,Truth,take you,to be my wedded wife,to have and to hold,from this day forward,for better,for wors 谁有七年级地理上册教案湘教版 To have and to hold from this day forward,for better,for worse,for richerTo have and to hold from this day forward,for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish,till death do us part. To have,and to hold 地理湘教版高二教案 湘教版七年级下册的学案哪种比较好? 品析下面句子卖火柴的小女孩曾经多么幸福,跟着她奶奶一起走向新年的幸福中去 渔夫挠挠后脑勺说,"嗯,你看怎么办?得把他们抱来,同死人呆在一起怎么行!哦,我们,我们总能熬过去的!快去!别 what he said_____(cause)his parents much unhappiness What he said didn’t ________ all the facts my parents told me.A.agree with B.agree C.agree on D.agree to请给出这四个词的区别 最好有例句 1,do you parents ____ what you said?答对1题奖1分,要填有把握的,不要乱答,以投票方式为最佳答案. 子贡赎人中子贡做了件什么事 在【智囊】中子贡做了什么事?孔子对他的做法持什么态度?孔子持这种态度的理由是什么? 品析下列语句在没受教育之前,我正像大雾中的航船,既没有指南针也没有探测仪,无从知道海港已经非常临近. 我又获得了一种新的知识——大自然有时也会向她的儿女开战,在她那温柔美丽