
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 10:09:51
求一些摇滚名人语录,最好是英文的 《雨》这个作文习题答案给我.文章开头是:雨,应该是一个阴性名词……回答好的在加30分 运用恰当的修辞手法使句子更生动湖南大地遭受洪涝灾害. 把里面的语法现象解释一下( )a car reaches the end of its life ,it is taken apart and any part that can be reused is sold offA.as B.with C.once D.while 在平面直角坐标系的点p(2-m,二分之一m)关于x轴的对称点在第四象限 暴雪警告的颜色是怎么排的?从轻到重. 暴雪黄色预警与蓝色预警哪个比较厉害 ..(投笔从戒)班超字仲升,扶风平陵人,徐令彪之少子也.为人有大志,不修细节.然内孝谨,居家常执勤苦,不耻劳辱.有口辩,而涉猎书传.永平五年.兄固被召诣校书郎,超与母随至洛阳.家贫,常为官 七根火柴的概括要简洁点但要全面. 模仿列句的修辞手法改写下面的句子.1·那片黄叶跳着优美的舞蹈轻轻落在地上.2·春风中,一群小鸟在树上叫个不停. 用修辞手法改写下面的句子,并注明你所用的修辞手法.(1)雨在春天非常珍贵.( )修辞方法:( )(2)我喜欢夏夜的风.( )修辞方法:( )(3)柳絮飞了起来.( )修辞方法:( )(4 三十六种动物谜语相对应的古诗 36动物谜语 追得猎物差一丝 突然天落一大石 打在我的后腿上 没有追上反遭诛 天地之间有杆秤 秤砣是咱老百姓 世上如有不公平 秤砣让他不翻身空飞地走水中游 老的少的乐心头 我们生存地 也门英文 求暴雪最新网游暴雪最新网游有什么 It was ten years ago ___ he joined the armyA.that B.when C.since D.where为什么是选A而不是C?再问一道The article was said ___ in that magazine.A.to printB.to be printingC.to have printedD.to have been printedCHOOSE WHAT?and why? cross-culture方面那位高手帮我用英语解释一下 下面文章中的现象The boys in your host school talk about sports and cars and show little interest in politics.Jonas,a Danish boy, wanted to learn more about US. foreign policy and hope be busy后的动词是什么形式? I don't think Steve can go to the party tomorrow because he is busy with hiswork.同义句I think Steve is __ __ with his work to attend the party which is to be held tomorrow. I didn' see any bikes in the street. I _ _I didn' see any bikes in the street. I _ _ _ in the street. i did not see any cars in the street请问i did no see cars in the street还是i did see no cars in the street,我知道NO是加强语气,我不知道放在动词前还是名词前,谢谢回答 china has sent up another man made satellite,___was announced.,为什么 which 不行? china hass sent up another man_made satllite,___was announced什么关联词 Another Chinese man-made earth satellite was reported to () to the orbit.A.will be sent B.send C.have been sending D.have been sent 为什么选择A呢? Adidas的广告词为什么写成"Impossible Is Nothing"? ___they ____ up another man-made satellite into space last week?提问句Was another man-made satellite sent up into space by them last week?(改为主动语态) 说说下列加点字在句中的含义(乌鸦)并不叫,呆呆地蹲着,居高临下地瞧着这忙碌的大城市,像两个孤独而寂寞的旁观者. 说说下列句中加点词的意义和用法:所识穷乏者得我与?与加点 《史记》、《战国策》中关于苏秦和张仪记载, 战国策苏秦之楚给了我们什么启示 战国策中关于苏秦的演说辞有多少篇? 按要求运用修辞方法改写句子.这辆摩托车很破旧了,“突突突”地响个不停.(改为比喻句)------------------------------------------------------------------------母鸡刚下完蛋,咯咯咯的吵个不停.(改为夸