
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 08:24:25
问一种野果的名字小时候去乡下,田里很多的,外面像嫩叶一样的东西包着,里面有颗圆圆的绿色小果实,酸酸甜甜的,好像在秋天才有,叫什么名字啊是长在地上的,远看像野草 幼儿园小朋友吃园里野果种毒摘给的小朋友要成但吗 Mr Harris and Mrs Bate and three _____ leaders were there. my dancing lesson____be in the morning.a.may likly b.likely is to c.is likely d.is likely to 红豆杉的果实可以吃吗? 红豆杉 果实红豆杉的果实有什么用?只是好看?用来装饰? 高一英语题;basrc military training is organized for the students____(特意)下一句是;the activity is seen as a part of education of their love for our country. we will( )this evening.怎么填?旁边有一对母女在吃饭. 更坏的英文怎么写 请问一下坏的英语怎么写 香橼能吃吗,请问 香橼树结的香橼里的籽能种吗?我有几颗香橼的籽,想知道把那些籽种了之后能不能长出小香橼树? 香橼树有什么用 第二大题 No,there is no mirror in my bathroom.的问句是? 写反义词:南( )北( )、( )口( )声 ( )口( )声 要反义词 什么口什么声,要反义词 西班牙语弹舌头会了,可是怎么把这个音放入单词呢?遇到弹舌音的单词我还是不会发…… 弹舌词谁有给我一下 Until we got to the top of the hill,we didn't see the temple.怎么翻译? A兴旺B盛大,热烈C深厚D丰富,华美 盛的两个不同意思的四字词语 第一个意思:傲慢 第二个意思:盛大 用盛的两个不同的意思组成四字词语,第一个意思:盛大,隆重.第二个意思:强烈,旺盛 英语翻译It is so great to hear from you.I hope you had a great Mid-Autumn Festival.What did you do to celebrate?Moon cakes are sold in Boston in Chinatown (an area of the city is called Chinatown because there are so many stores and people from C 远道而来的客人叫 英语翻译首先非常抱歉现在才回复邮件,还有非常抱歉我忙的来甚至忘记了你的生日,真的很抱歉!今天在facebook上看到很多朋友给你留言.我才想起来我忘记了一件很重要的事情.前段时间一直忙 远道而来的客人叫什么客 英语翻译Congrats on your new job!Happy for you!Hope it suits you!I understand you want your masters alot,but you ll have to wait,but I am sure that you will do it.,also you got a nice phone haha.don't worry about RIM "stocks",just hope you didnt 英语翻译A word is not a horse! 参加盛会的盛是什么意思? 中午翻译英文邮件,谢谢.不要用翻译器很高兴收到你的邮件,抱歉这么晚才回复.和你讲讲我最近的情况,我最近几天的工作特别忙.设计公司大多都是私企,我现在工作的公司甚至没有加班工资,