
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:53:00
关于过年的事. 用同样的词语在造个句子,这个词语的意思要与试题提供的句子“”词的意思不同0 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 5 小时例句:儿子虽然很胖,毕竟幼小,“自然”也轻.造句:花香鸟语,草长莺飞,都是 急求一篇《过年那点事》作文600字就够了 unmingling,下面是词语所在的句子."In a quarter of a century",claimed the Omaha Daily Republican in 1883,"they have made the people of the United States homogeneous,breaking through the peculiarities and provincialisms which marked separate a 默读课文,按文章的说明顺序填写下边这个图,看看文章采用了怎样的说明顺序.《故宫博物院》 八上,14,故宫博物院,按文章说明顺序填写下边的这个图 甲,乙两车分别从A、B两地同时相对开出,甲车行完全程需3小时,乙车行完全程需4小时,两车在距终点10千米处相遇,A、B两地相距几米? 两地相距153千米.甲乙两辆汽车同时分别从两地开出,相向而行.3小时相遇已知甲车比乙车每小时多1千米.求甲、乙两车速度.(方程、算式都可以;方程要详细过程)高赏金~ 东西两个车站相距153千米,甲乙两车同时从两个车站相向而行,3小时后两车相遇已知甲车比乙车多走15千米求甲乙两车的速度各是多少.二元一次方程 太后的权力大还是皇后的权力大快,要准确答案 太后大还是皇后大 太皇太后管皇后叫什么还有管皇上,嫔妃,王爷,公主,长公主,皇太后叫什么 They talked a lot about their life and forgot the time (同义句) They talked ______ -_____about thei 有趣的国庆节 作文 They ________ all the details of the plan again to make sure that the project would go smoothly.AThey ________ all the details of the plan again to make sure that the project would go smoothly.A.got through B.went into C.got over D.went through They thought of a detailed plan___ he could finish the project ahead of timeA,whichB,thatC,by whichD,in which 某大桥的铁路桥全长8200m,一列长200m的火车以7m/s的速度通过大桥,需多长时间? He took out a beautiful bagHe took out a beautiful bag的同义句 he took his bag and left 这是一句话还是两句话? 美文推荐怎么做(具体格式)?只需要摘抄下来和写推荐理由吗?最好找3篇 Oh my god!My bag has gone!A t _______ took it from me!(可能是根据句意写单词,也可能是根据首字母写单词,他打印不清楚,还是a t____再做下Jerry can not find his mp3 .It is m______.(根据首字母写出单词)After the e 美文推荐,摘抄一段,200字,并写推荐理由,150字 美文摘抄800字及100字推荐理由 一列火车从甲地开往乙地,每小时行七十五千米,预计十一小时可以到达.当火车行到一半时,发生故障.修理三十秒,如果仍要在预定时间内到达乙地,余下的路程每小时必须行多少米?急 为什么不用" such hurry" ,而用" such a hurry" yesterday my sister-----------(tear)my chinese book up by mistake. It was such a serious mistake,_____ caused by carelessness.A.which I think was B.which I think it wasC.I think which was D.I think which it was为什么不选B? 用因为所以如果就造句,三到六条,记住了! They are s_____ that they will have a great time 根据首字母填空 关于季节的四字词急用! “天空” 诗意点的英文单词有哪些?比如 小马 不是翻译成horse 而是 pony 课文以《桥》为题,它的深刻内涵是什么