
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 09:06:06
just get ur numb from my friend是什么意思啊 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.John helps his mother --------(clean)the room.2.Let’s ---------(go) together.3.The elephants are in great -----------(dangerous).三.单项填空1.Isn’t he clever?--------------------A.Yes,he isn’t ___the night of July 13th 介词用at还是on如题 还有 ___the dark night it is sunday ____.My friend Nancy and i are ____a birthday card ____Miss Ding.Let us____you how to do it.First,____a nice birthday ____on some ____,and then____'Happy Birthday to you!'on it.____forget to write'Dear Miss Ding'. My friends gives me a birthday card every year的同义句 用比喻、拟人的手法描写一种花50字急 将下列单词转换成形容词cheer,count,poison写出下列形容词的反义词soft,friend 化石吟文章题目的含义 、、、 [紧不急求助] 一篇80词的英语作文,题目为School Uniform的报告,请在十分钟前 尽快答复 A ;l 've got a letter from a friend . He saw a koala.B 'The letter is from____jijghbpgfhjrj 初一英语对画线句子提问1.I have eight (English books).________________________.2.She has (a red and black jacket).________________________.3.They have (two TV sets) at home.________________________.4.He has (some pencils) and pens.___ 已知a减a分之1等于2,求a的平方加a的平方分之1的值拜托各位大神 英语翻译This day you come to invite us,the people of God,to share in your joy.Today,in this church,you are the presence of Christ in our midst.Your love is the symbol of his love for us,the Church. "我父母都是信奉基督教"这句话用英文怎么说? 2011初一下册语文第2单元作文 帮我描写一种花!(用2种修辞手法)描写,请你也用多种修辞手法选取你喜爱的一种花进行生动描写.(用两种以上修辞手法) ________________... 感恩妈妈的作文600字,议论文! but l just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend, 英语拼写:1.O_____ a birthday party for my best friend is siring but interesting2.As t______,we should be allowed to choose our own school uniforms 求A birthday party for my best friend的英语作文, my school英语作文,50单词,单词我能看明白就行,我急用,20分钟内给我, 六年级英语作文 My school翻译My school is very beautiful .It has a big playground and we often do exercise on it.I have a very happy school life.Teacher there is very good and patient to students.I go to school at 7 o'clock.Our school life is 求一篇 议论文 题目《感恩》 800字 最少也要600字 1.开头+中间(最少3段)+结尾2.要有中心论点(这个貌似是废话,议论文都有的)3.中间每段都要有 分论点+事例+论据 括号里填成正比例或者不成比例 说理由 盐水喊盐率一定,盐水和水( )平行四边形的高一定,他的底和面积( )一辆汽车每次运水泥的吨数一定,运水泥的总量和运的次数( )圆的周长和面积( )判断 x-y=0,x和y成正比例吗?为什么?(重要的是答理由) 超市里西红柿的价格比白菜的2倍少0.4元.如果用x表示西红柿的价格,y表示白菜的价格,你能用式子表示他们之间的关系吗?根据下面的关系式,说出哪一个量一定,那两个量成正比例.平行四边形的 1.数a与它的八分之一的差 (代数式表示) 2.8a^3译成自然语言 六单元语文卷子的作文是什么 马上写 解决买房贵,看病贵,上学贵三大民生问题,党和国家的首要任务是什么,为什么?初三政治导学与演练的期末综合检测题第三大题第二小题 结合初三政治原理前四课,党和国家为什么高度重视改善民生 改善民生的必要性和重要性 真正的强者不是流泪的人,而是含泪奔跑的人这句名言是谁说的拜托了各位