
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:11:57
Distrito Federal是什么意思 Distrito Federal 属于墨西哥哪个州,一件货物要发FEDEX,在运单上要求一定要填州与城市,放应该填哪个 求Day by Day空间链接地址 102.Helen isn't a ________ friend of mine.I feel ________ sorry for her.AA.true,true B.truly,trueC.true,truly D.truly,truly 关于形容词和副词的一道题.Helen isn't a____friend of mine.I feel_____sorry foe her.A.true,true B.truly,true C.true,truly D.truly,truly马上要,急 I'm h——.I can carry the box(h是单词的首字母) _______,we were not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands.给个选项是:A What may come B.Come what mayC.May what come D.What come参考答案说要选B gtzhzhxx 这个固定短语我还没见过呢!但是这位大哥知道 JLY,you are my only true love!thank you for doing something and giving love,care for me 英语好的朋友帮哈忙 我们迟到是他的错:it was his fault we were late.这样说可以吗? 英语翻译外国老的话 .搞毛啊 .看不懂 Our teacher asked me( ).A.what was Ann doing these days.B.why peter didn't come to school yesterdaC.when will the dolphin show begin.D.how long I usually spend on my homework.请告诉我具体原因, He cleaned the bus in the end(对画线部分提问) western 翻译 where shall i meet you? 英语翻译 求catch the shooting star歌词 谁知道即使知道要见面翻译? shooting star 的中文意思是什么啊?额,补充下,是KOTOKO 唱的那首《Shooting star》,意思是流星? Take s_____ care while driving because the road is icy. 拾金不昧的近义词是什么 拾金不昧的反义词、同义词 花剌子谟打的过金国、西辽,南宋吗 tennis elbow 2013怎么保存 用that will造句 用I learned that .will.造句在线等 英文网名设计Frozen tears we farm IPAD版自己的家畜和建筑怎么OPEN?是自动open的吗?RT我养的动物在心情很好的情况下变成蓝筹带之后好像就open了呀?而且得了蓝筹带之后动物就保留下来了,没法养三次啊. biscuits的意思 We all like to ___ ___music. We all like to ____ close to someong.这个空填的是watch.怎么讲的?能不能用look? Li Na won the ( )prize at the French Open ( )中填什么 Would you like to do it at all?I‘d love to,but the question is whether it is worth doing.这里的at all用的对吗? 冰的近义词或反义词都有什么?英文怎么拼?我是要他的近义词或者反义词的英文~