
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:39:59
The bad news made everyone in the family ...A.worriedlyB.felt worriedC.feel worry D.worried应该选哪一个,为什么? the bad news made everyone in the family_____(feel) worried 对Cindy lives in China?的Cindy提问,要求是特殊疑问句.一朋友做出来的答案是who lives in china?还有个是who does live in china?应该是第二个正确 世界上最高的山是什么山?最长的江是什么江? Many teachers,______(include) Mr Chen,want to work in the school The boring film made me ____.A:feel boredB:feel boring he arrived in chengdu ____ the moring _____ december,2004 A.on,at B.in,of C.on,of D.in ,in1 students should take part in the outclass _____A.studies B.lessons C.end D.actors2 the latest ____shows that most students watch tv every evening in our class 请照样子写出词语(ABB式:)美( )水( ) 照样子写出词语举例:春雨( 绵)(绵)春水( )( ) 雨丝( )( ) 雨水( ) T----- the m----- cake,please.Is it delicious?英文 2010-2011小学六年级 把一个棱长6cm,红色外表的正方体,锯成棱长1厘米的小正方体,可以锯成()一面 两面 三面有红色的各多少个不要废的答案 The cake is delicious. Well,at least it is ( )the one I bought last weekA as bad as B no worse than C no better than D not better than 以Changes in Shnzhen为题,用there is,there are,there was there were 写一 请问关于现在完成式的两个句子这样表达对吗?例1:i have been China for two years 例例2:he has played TV games since he was fifteen years old have please the cake 把棱长5厘米的正方体表面涂成红色,把它锯成棱长是1厘米的正方体,其中三面红色,两面红色,一面红色,没有红色的各有几个 很想起一个英文名字是百度里搜不到滴`而且字母不要太多(要求高勒点)```有谁能帮我这个大忙额`````顺便解说一下下其英文名字的大概意思``` 谁能帮我想一个女生用的英文名啊,要好听的,大方一点,不要在百度上搜的那些复制给我哦,我看过了,谢啦英文名 顺便告诉我代表的意思和发音 我对你的爱百度都搜不到 这句话是不是 表示没有爱······还是有其他意思 英语 The stories of Batman and Spiderman have been made _________films and TV programs.A. into B. from C. of D. up ofB不可以? li ming gives a gift to danny同意句 世界上第二长的江是那个 江 The students brorrowed some money()his friends to start his own business . The university student borrowed some money _____ his friends to start his own business.A. from. B. onto. C. at. D. in 求讲解 世界第三长的江是什么江 世界有多少条江? 世界最大的江是?拜托各位大神啊 有可能在两年内练成同声传译吗~ 习大大如何翻译成英文 英语翻译(注:开头为All the story) 请问自己在家如何练习同传?影子练习·到底在家怎么做·谁说说具体的做法·谢谢· 已知两根木条,一根长60米,另一根长100米,将它们的一端重合,放在同一条直线上则两根木条的中点的距离是