
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 07:14:25
24小时,用英语怎么说? 比如一小时:an hour for an hour 用英语怎么说 《What are words》歌词和翻译 请问高中一个物理常用公式的的推导在匀强磁场中,一个长为L导体棒,固定一头,以角速度w,旋转.磁场强度为B.则导体棒两端电势差为E=w*L*w/2E=w*L*w/2E=w*L*L*B/2谢谢啦 人类自古就想能像鸟儿一样飞上蓝天.(缩句)如何缩?主语是什么 谓语是什么 宾语是什么 有人说掬一捧蓝天可以洗脸,这话真是太妙了这句话用的什么修辞手法 Can you tell me about your English teacher 怎么回答?最好要长一点的, 介词填空1、Can you tell me something ____ your teacher? 这种毛毛虫叫什么. 毛毛虫是什么样子的 这种毛毛虫叫什么名字? 请问这是什么毛毛虫? 谁知道这是什么毛毛虫! 这段话用英语怎么说你可以不喜欢KPOP,也可以不喜欢韩国,但是没必要去刻意伤害喜欢KPOP的中国人,喜欢归喜欢,但我们没有痴迷到会背叛自己祖国的程度.如果你真的很反感这种文化,也请不要 这段话用英语怎么说啊也许看完这段视频,你依旧没有改变对韩国的看法,你依旧认为这是一种文化侵略,但是,我想说,没有什么是单向的,韩国在影响中国的同时,中国也在潜移默化的影响着韩国 Does our english teach live in that building?Could you tell me?Could you tell me____our english teacher _____in that building?(复合句) 这是什么毛毛虫?图片 毛毛虫效应是什么意思 ——after his death that he was recognized as a great composer.a.it was not until B.not untilA和B有什么区别吗 为什么? It was not until he took off his dark glass that I realize who he was.这句话如何翻译,是时间状语从句? It was not until he took off his dark glasses __I realized who he was.A.when B.that 毛毛虫变成蝴蝶后,什么没有变化? 毛毛虫的故事文中的毛毛虫为什么会有这样的变化?急急急||||||||||||||||||||. 蝴蝶是有毛毛虫变化而来,应该是同宗,请问毛毛虫与蝴蝶还能沟通吗?我们都知道蝴蝶是跟我们人类一样是3维的动物,那么毛毛虫是跟蚂蚁一样是2维的,还是3维的呢? 毛毛虫是魔鬼?真的假的,为什么有人说毛毛虫是魔鬼啊?毛毛虫是魔鬼吗?毛毛虫是魔鬼?真的假的,为什么有人说毛毛虫是魔鬼啊?毛毛虫是魔鬼吗? what is she like?前面加could you tell me后该怎么变形? can’t tell you what it really is,I can only tell you what it feels 英语阅读理解二Passage Two Most forgetting takes place immediately after learning.An hour after learning something new,more than 50% is forgotten.One month later 80% will be gone.This shows that review is very important.If you review new materi 初2英语阅读理解添词和添词 He had changed so much that I could hardly know him.改错 原句是He had changed so much that I could hardly recognize him.改为倒装句,正确答案是So much had he changed that I could hardly recognize him.我想问为什么不能改为So much changed he had that I could hardly recognize him.changed 英语:He had changed so much that I couln't --------(辨认) him on his arriving.