
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 01:20:38
英语翻译不只是歌词,前面要标明是哪位成员唱的! fork的复数是什么?怎么用in the tree和on the tree?travel的ing形式有那几种 i,m sorry that,s all right 怎样改为同义句 i am sorry最好怎样回答,考试时肯定要考,是用That is all right,还是用That is ok.或者是That is right和all right?在考试的时候这类题经常出,到底应该是哪种回答 英语翻译1.up line from younger older to2.how is room large your3.tail about its is cm long 30改错what boy is younger,John or Mike?How big is your feet?Their room is 3 square meters bigger tan our.变句型Lucy is taller than Amy.(一般疑问 选择填空sorry!you look the same_____A .ok B.That's ok c.All right D.That's right 提拉米苏(Tiramisu)到底是什么东西?有人说是蛋糕有人说是雪糕有人说是甜品有人说是芝士杯,到底是属于什么东西.原材料要哪些?一般在哪里才能吃到最正宗最地道的意式提拉米苏视?在国内 Tiramisu该怎么做 Yesterday,Mr Smart cooked noodles.Tom helped him.Ms Smart phoned Grandma.意思 I am going bike riding ___ the countryside. I ____ bike riding for vacation A.went B.am going C.goesD.go 选哪个为什么为什么不能选d 为什么是be going bike riding而不是be going riding bike l am going to be a worker 句型转换 be能换成什么单词 中译韩翻译!急!不要在线翻译!在线等【固执的坚持着,只为遇见你.】翻译这句哦 在线翻译中国文字译韩国文字 韩译中在线翻译우 주 공 간 急!急!急! 求英文作文一篇,80词左右 语法正确即可张怡宁是我国著名的乒乓球运动员. 为了让感更多的人了解张怡宁,请你根据提供的材料写一篇文章.(字数:80词左右)姓名 张怡宁 性别 女 英语翻译在文献中的 例如Re Oldham[1925] Ch.75,Re Cleaver [1981] 1 WLR Nourse J 等 这些应该怎么翻译和理解 急用 文献是维基百科英文站 joint wills and mutual wills 百度 不让我贴连接 英语翻译The combination of an air hose hanger and a pneumatic tool,comprising:a flexible tubular air conduit a pneumatic tool connected to one end of said conduit and suspended thereby,the connection between said pneumatic tool and said conduit p He is going to ride a bike in the GreenWorld.根据答句写问句. 英语翻译These response rates,among the highest reported with conventional therapy,compare very favorably with those for MP—35%– 53% ORR,including a 1%–9% CR rate .其中ORR为Overall response rate的简写;CR是Complete response的简写 The number of students who like to learn French this year.A.increases B.is increased C.has increased D.has been increased 我们老师说选C, You will find ( ) useful to learn even a little englisha.it b.that c.this d.its I'm going to the zoo by bike.句子成分分析请问by bike在句中做什么成分? 请写出答案并给出解折.1We are going to( )with some friends for a field trip this weekend.Would you like to come?A.get on B.get over C.get long D.get together2 ---I'like to take two weeks' holiday.---( ).We have too much work to do.A.Don't wo I want go to the zoo by bike.这句话有什么错? Old people must( )A.be spoken to politelyB.speak to politeC.be spoken politelyD.speak to politely Sam and Jim are going to the zoo next saturday.变成一般疑问句 sam and jim are going to the zoo next saturday变为一般疑问句__________sam and jim __________ ___________ the zoo next saturday 现在外语那些小语种比较受欢迎?就业比较好?不是德语法语那些大语种 IS IT THE ZOO NEXT TO组成一句话 50个英语常用语就象rain cats and dogs倾盆大雨a piece of cake小菜一碟kill time消磨时间====