
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 14:56:58
中国属于什么气候 “我们应该坚持可持续发展”用英语怎么说 3.读下列句子,体会作者平实的语言所蕴涵的深厚感情.(4分)⑴这个五里路,就是母亲毕生所走的最长的距离.⑵母亲不知有多少日日夜夜,眼望远方,盼望自己的儿子回来啊!然而这个儿子始终 “农业可持续发展”用英语怎么说? 有人知道“可持续发展”英语怎么说吗?急用,谢谢 apologize 的标准发音? Apologize的发音词.例如 yes 是 夜思 或者 ye si回答对了有追加. 100道初一上简单英语填空题(带答案) 求解释:how would you describe your child's motivation and responsibility?这是我在Asheville高中的parents statement里面看到的一个问题,但题目理解不了.是指选择该校的动机以及能为学校作出的贡献还是另有所 How would you describe your battle readiness? How would your family react to you having a relationship with a foreigner from China?意思 谁英语好,能帮我把这首歌apologize的歌词读法全部用中文打出来? First,__(spend) time talking with your parents.请附理由 莫非是动词原形开头祈使句= ing形式可以不 Don't spend too much time_____(chat)with your online friends 英语口语考试要准备的几个题目Suggested Oral Examination Topics (Grade 2010, Band II)Directions: Students are tested in pairs. Each is supposed to make a mini presentation for about a minute and then the partner will ask him / her a quest spend with sb 和 spend time with sb 有什么区别?急.我要权威的答案.比如这道题.it is a winter night _____ he spent with me我觉得填that也可以啊.但是答案给的是when.救命啊. 用get英语造句 英语造句,用同一个形容词的原极比较极和最高极,越简单越明了越好,符上中文翻译~ 翻译成英语:如果你不曾爱过我,就少去课悲伤与心痛. 我的梦想 如何分析可以写进自己该奋斗么? 想当一名画家的,网上太频繁出现的不要 为某人加油翻译成英文是什么 怎样当好一名七年级英语课代表? 宋朝的都城是开封为什么有些电视剧却说是临安? 关于勤学刻苦的名言警句英汉互译 不少于400字 Have difficulty talking with your parents .how to deal with it? Do you have any regrets in your relationship or friends?急求一篇英文作文 Do you have any regrets in the relationship with you parents or friends?What are they?口语考试题目Free Talk:For this part,you are to make a short speech or answer a question within 3 minutes.Please say as much as possible.And remember to speak most of us have probably been angry with our friends,parents or teachers. why not s_______ your sadness with your friends or your parents 我的梦想是什么?要幽默搞笑的!开班会!为了调动气氛!回答赞的追加奖励!望各位大大神梦想!