
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 03:56:14
英语翻译 你觉得我的新靴子怎么样? What is it? what color is it 一簇光线从坐标原点射出 ,照在经过A(1,0).B(0,1)的镜面上的点D,经AB反射后,反射光线又照到竖立在Y轴位置的镜面,要使最后经Y轴再反射的光线恰好通过点A,则点D的坐标为多少 我是中学生,现在早上上学总是起不来,怎么办啊 我想让女儿好好学英文锻炼听力,想下载点适合高中生的视频,她有台DVD影碟机,不知下载什么格式文件能用? what is it?和what it is?有什么区别详细一点哦 汽车上SET是什么意思? 汽车英文set是什么意思 what is it和 what it is的区别它们都用在什么样的语境中,最好举例子说明!它们分别适合什么从句? 汽车定速巡航中的set cancel resume分别为什么意思 what it is & what is it?的区别? 5年级上册寒假作业语文练习十三上的第二大题按要求写句子全部的答案 1.古人留下了许多爱国名言,挑一条你最欣赏的写下来:__________________________________________________2.中秋佳节,我想在寄给在外地工作的爸爸妈妈的贺卡上写上这样的诗句:________________________________ 按照下面句子的句式,仿写一个描写日出的句子举目四望,朦胧的夜色中,珠穆朗玛山区群峰的座座黑影,都匍匐在他们的脚下 Does she have to go to the doctor?yes,she does/must否定No,she doesn't/needn't用哪个? Her dress is green.Does he like his T—shirt?No,he doesn't,He doesn't like pink的中文意思,答谢 歌词中 it never does doesn't 妈妈给小明买了一个等腰三角形的风筝,它的一个底角是62°,它的顶角是多少度 中国古代战争的代表物有那些?比如烽火台什么的 ABB组合的语文词语可以不是颜色的 He has got nothing to say,_____?填does he的原因? what It is 和 what is It 一样吗 英语翻译摘 要在当今社会,贸易自由化发展的如火如荼,同时环境污染问题也存在着巨大的隐患.据统计,到1992年时国际贸易额就已经是二战前贸易额的50余倍,贸易的发展给各国经济的增长带来 一首英文歌,知道部分歌词希望有专家告诉歌名谢谢英文歌 中间有一段with you with you with you 然后是i need you什么 i need you什么的 不是Chris Brown的 老师,besides that 从句 有这种用法吗 take care with 有这种用法吗 You have to move away your bike.(改为一般疑问句) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ away your bike? you have to move away your bike (否定句) you__ __ __move away upir bikethe way of people behave is different in different countries划线(different )提问__ is the way of people behave in different countries We 'll have to move的一般疑问句 Move away all your things,or we won't have enough space to put your desks=__ you __ move away all your things,__ __ __ enough space __ __to put our desks.__填一词 急 I have been told that the great ball held the day before yesterday ____ a success.A.was proved B.proved C.was proving D.was being proved答案及解析 His success was due to the fact that he had been working hard.把 that换成which