
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:06:58
她是一个英国人可用She is an Englishman.an Englishwoman 还是只能用 a British England、English、British、Englishman的区别请给出详细回答,解释清楚一点. 几道英文单词排序题.就是把英文单词都打乱了.例题:cathree————teachertindestcrodotserunlpitowrayelrigefhetifreerening 请把错乱的字母排列成正确的单词 1.ehtse 2.cktite 3.sepale 4.retupci 5.hiwet 6.reca 7.sone 8.ingeelf 9.reov 英语词语排序题, English Englishman区别English Englishman区别 English 和 British 有什么不同? 形容词修饰be动词吗 be动词加形容词作什么语是表语定语还是其他什么的? 反映儿童生活乐趣的诗句古代诗人写的. 关于儿童生活的古诗有哪些? 谁知道文言文中形容词活用为动词,形容词和动词活用为名词的用法?帮我找一些文言文中形容词活用为动词,形容词和动词活用为名词的用法,要有例句的,最好把出自那片文章也找出来!要详细 你知道英国英语和美国英语的区别吗?(英语翻译)Do you know the ( ) ( )British English ( )Ameri 翻译:英国英语和美国英语有点儿不同 British English is -------------------Americn English 表现儿童生活情趣的古诗要全诗,作者朝代都要.解释不要,不然不好看的.要3—5首 回答好了,奖励10分哦 急啊 快! 高手快帮帮我,老师布置的作业,没办法啊,呜呜呜呜呜 为什么be动词后可以加副词呢,不是只能加形容词吗 be动词后一般是加形容词还是副词 BE动词后面跟副词还是形容词比如 是 What were they happy还是what were they happily 我记得be动词后加形容词,如(I am lucky.)但be动词后也可加副词,如(The boss was___ satisfied with what the workers had done.横线上应填entirely而不是entire.)我想问什么情况下,be动词后加形容词或副词.顺便 be动词后可以直接跟 形容词/副词么? 【初一英语】2个中翻英填空,帮个忙啦She can walk into a room _____ (悄悄地) like a cat.I don't want to see somebody walk _____ (用) knees. 短文填空, 【初一英语】根据首字母及选适当形式填空(很简单的,我只是想确定下我正确否)1.She is a ___(care) student.Teachers like her very much.2.Hi ,everybody.Please ___ (collect) things for the poor children.3.That boy is help 1.为什么可以He drove a city bus for over twenty-five years而不是把 drove 改为 has driven 2.-Who's going to give us a talk at the meeting?-( ),I guess.A.Mr King is B.It's Mr King3.Nobody came,( A.did he B.did they要详细一点,准确一 回答几道英语题目1.I don't want to_________________.(给你添麻烦)(用和 add up 有关的词)2.用concern的适当形式Our main___________is that they are not receiving enough help.3.用go through 的正确形式When you_________a d 1.A _________(chemistry) change takes place in any substance (物质)when it burns.2.When he heard of his ___________(fail)in the exam ,he felt very sad.3.It is said that horse people are _________(energy) and _________(depend).4.Will they have a s 最好是吕岩、辛弃疾、杨万里写的有关儿童的诗! 有关儿童的古诗急用~```````````````````````````` 描写儿童的有关诗句 关于儿童的诗句 请问英语中动词做主语就要加ing吗变成动名形式吗还有就是介词后面加动词也要加ing吗?比如walking is good 和it a fine day for walking today 主语+[ ]+动词ing