
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 06:38:15
我有段英文不懂谁能帮我?就这句就(lf merchant mammon05:37:23 kkthx :lf merchant pm Darktoy06:07:11 kkthx :glf bd pm batio06:27:40 Cogency :WTS +4 BOP 75m06:31:19 Cogency :KlingPosnot selling EA:D 130k pm him06:31:58 Cogency :WTS +5 bop 1 有段英文不懂,though i speak with the tongues of me and of angels .and have not charity i am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal 1.With littlt boy _____,we had no trouble _____ Mr zhang's office.A.leading,finding B.led found 2.Can you catch ____I said?Sorry,I can ____understand it.A.what,hardy B.that,hardy 3.Money is very important in my life ,but it isn't ____to me.A.anything 1.长胡须2.声调低沉3.食量变大4.脸上长痘5.喉结突出6.身高、体重明显增加.其中属于第二性征的是( ) Discovery 的中文意思是什么? John puts his books on the desk.He is ____ ____to have a lesson一词一空, Can he puts the apple on his head?改错 He puts down the books and runs_.填什么 收获一份美丽写初中的感受,麻烦要写的不错的,急用! USE ALL I THEM CAN怎样连词成句 His mother told him to put the books_____in the box?A.away B.up C .on 鄂尔多斯草原 生活着牛、羊、鹿等 【它们中的牛、羊、鹿分别组成了3个种群 】 这句话为什么不对 鄂尔多斯草原生活着牛、羊、鹿等 【它们中的牛、羊、鹿分别组成了3个种群 】 这句话为什么不对 求详细 草原上的全部羊是一个种群吗 突然忘记了,形容树干的“粗”用一个单词表示是什么What you provided is referred as the thickness of a layer,not a column.Waiting a more precise answer....Thanks 停车坐爱林晚的坐是什么意思 如何让树干的主干粗大起来 ,you could always find simil blooming in her face. 什么oor有什么单词 . oor 发ɔ:的单词很急!求速度!我在线等········ 包含oor的单词有哪些? 停车坐爱林晚的坐读音是什么 1.What,by losing one one eye,has nothing left but a nose?2.What is it that is found in the very center of America and Australia?3.The total age of boys is now seventeen.What will it be in six years’ time?4.There are two bookshelves A and B.There ar 睡觉头脚的方向用是哪方.东南西北? 用歇斯底里造个句子 请用拮据,栈桥,煞白,十拿九稳这四个词造个句子 歇斯底里造几个句 求写一段连贯的话,要用下面的词语 (至少3个) 厚实 煞费苦心 拮据 歇斯底里 十拿九稳 笑逐颜开 请用厚实,嬉闹,驱赶,歇斯底里,四个词造个句子厚实的意思是;经济上的富裕 James had ____a____look on his face that thousands of people believed him是填such convinced 还是 such convincing 花开花落人如旧,云卷云舒绿如蓝.按此造句,再写两句,最好组成一首情诗诗,我在写小说花开花落人如旧,云卷云舒绿如蓝.按此风格造句,写四句,最好组成一首情诗,我在写小说这首诗是一女子与 花开花落无人晓下一句是?