
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:11:12
it's 2:00 in the afternoon.the children ____[jog] in the playground. 谁作文比较好?也看过狼王梦? I am making this kite for the w_ afternoon 有读《狼王梦》后感的文章? A:---the children ---(help) Grandma Li now?B:Yes,it's Saturday afternoon.The chlidrenalways ---(go) to Grandma's house on Saturday.A:What --- they usually ---(do) there?B:They ---(clean) the house and ----(wash) her clothes. let ^s make it at 5 o^clock in the afternoon.这句话对吗at 要不要省略 The scientist tried his best to make his view understood.这里的understood做什么成分? I've tried my best to make you see 而应该这么回答呢 I tried my best to make the baby __.A.not to cry B.to not cry C.not cry Ddoesn't cry. 6.Mary _______ be at home.I saw her in the building just now.A mustn’t.B.needn’t C.can’t为什么是C,不是A吗 26.Mary _______ be at home.I saw her in the library just now.A.mustn’t B.needn’t31.It may be more of a suggestion than an invitation.A这样或许比起邀请,有更多的建议.B这样或许邀请比建议更多.C这样说更像是建议,而不 Henry ( ) be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now.a.mustn't b.isn't able toc may not d can't 为什么不选c,意思不是有可能吗? 我不禁想用_____、______等成语来形容母校谁先回答追问给谁满意答案 表达对母校老师的感情用哪个成语 he( )not be there.I saw him in you home just now just now 和 just 的区别 狼王梦是谁写的 狼王梦是谁写的我还不知道呢 狼王梦谁写的 《狼王梦》是谁写的 狼王梦主要写了什么,急你是抄的吧 I can fly kites seven years ago.did you saw him just now?改正错句 小苏打的妙用 小苏打在生活中有什么妙用呢?最好科学一点,要有科学根据. 改错:1 I can fiy kites seven years ago 2 Did you saw him just now?3 Who find it just now? 古诗阅读 送友人 【送友人】李白 【诗的内容我就不说了,抓紧时间啊】这是一首送别诗,送别的地点是______.请简要描绘送别地的景致答:________________.本诗“挥手自兹去,萧萧班马鸣”主要表 小苏打在生活中叫什么?小苏打和见面一样吗? I can fly kites seven years ago.这句话错在哪里?为什么 《送友人》中李白哪句诗说明了与朋友依依不舍?在最后两句中! we can fly kites seven years ago. I can fly kites when I was seven years old 改错 送友人(李白) 那一句让我们体会到朋友之间的真情.那 浮云游子意 落日故人情 呢 我们考试很多人都写这个的阿.那正确答案到底是什么? 造句:I've just.