
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 09:49:00
某音像社对外出租光盘的收费方法是:每张光盘在租出后的头两天每天收0.8,以后每天收0.5,那么在第n天应收 signal gaps是什么意思 mitochondrial haplotype是什么意思? 求造句!11如:不是所有的花,都在夏天开放至少仿写两句 造句 ___________,因为__________.11 单核细胞百分比偏高前段时间做了肺切除手术,现在血液检测报告显示单核细胞比例偏高!比例显示为14.7% 正常为2.5%-12% 想知道这是怎么回事 有没有关系 单核细胞比率偏高代表什么, 什么是cdma diversity Diversity appreciation 什么是 Rx-diversity 体积10dm3.质量63.2kg的铁球是空心还是实心的?若是空心,空心部分体积为多少(铁块密度=7.9×10 3kg/m3要求解答全过程包括单位换算 秦兵马俑里的中军俑为何什么也没有? diversity是什么意思单词 我要七年级下册 人教版 新课程英语练习册 这本书上的题 要 第七单元到第九单元的题乱充数 不给分我要七年级下册 人教版 新课程英语练习册 这本书上的题 要 第七单元到第九单元的题 射阳的射到底怎么念?是念she四声还是念yi四声? CREATOR owner的意思CREATOR owner是什么意思?administrators是什么意思?everyone是什么意思?power users 是什么意思? 什么叫光怪陆离 this compter's owner is hongkong是什么意思 seek refugee status in canada 用 光怪陆离 造句?除了光怪陆离的梦,还有什么? The girl is a gifted student and scores well _______average in all subjects.AoverBonCofDabovepresident obama delivered a speech to 500 college students during his visit to China,_____are from fudan university and tongji university.A.many of whom Bsom 1.something,anything,nothing,somebody,anybody,nobody后面的be动词是第三人称单数吗?2.I don not like this coat.Would you please show me____?A.other B.the other C.the others D.another3.The earth goes ____the sun..A.over B.across C.from D.aro 不抄题 标清题号连词成句 on monday history class is his kita 读音 1 'Many hands make light work.'is one of English_________(say)2 We usually do some shopping at the supermarket in our _____________(neighbour)3 A lot of ______(cycle)fell off their bicycles. PASCALS PENSéES怎么样 这些句子中译英我想这间房子要出售吧屋子很乱,请原谅我难受极了,牙痛得要命你能为我找一双鞋吗?恐怕不行上星期他没上学吧 几个中学英语问题If he .,he.that food ( B)Luckily he was sent to the hospital at once.A.was warned;would not take B .had been warned;would nit have takenC.wold be warned ;had not taken D.would have been warned ;had not takenIf 后面不是一 英语翻译No one knows who invented the pencils or when it happened.A Swiss described a pencil in a book in 1565.He said it was a piece of wood with lead inside it.(Lead is a very heavy,soft,drak gray metal.)Pencils weren't popular,and people conti The students who are highly involved in reading achieve reading scores that above the average,whenever their family background is. the British and Rusians wanted to build itwant 与build 不都是动词吗?一个句子不是不能出现两个动词吗? 甲仓库存粮36吨,乙仓库存粮64吨,甲仓库每天运进4吨,乙仓库每天运进8吨.多少天后乙仓库的存粮是甲仓库