
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 01:12:33
汉译英:游泳池今天不开放,我们不能去游泳了.The swimming pool ___ ___today.We__ __ ___. polar是什么意思 She gets ideas for what to wear from the book 100 Most Important Women of th1She gets ideas for what to wear from the book 100 Most Important Women of the 20th Centur-y2The eager student managed to get through the entire second grade without repeatin 【急求】Did you enjoy yourself in the park?Yes,it was the second time this month that I_______ itDid you enjoy yourself in the park?Yes,it was the second time this month that I_______ itAvisit Bhad visit Chave visited Dwas visiting what my friend said________my thoughtsAconfirm Bto confirm Cconfirms Dconfirming consider得用法和意思英语语法知识 consider的英文意思 consider是什么意思?用consider造一个句子 consider it over是仔细考虑的意思吗,那是不是consider it carefully 常被人类夸赞的动物? -___(I me my)look at___(they their theirs)and___(they their theirs)look at___(I me my) consider to be doing 是一个怎样的用法? be considered to do sth有这样的说法吗 还是只有consider doing sth 与满载而归特点相一致的成语是什么急 公司名叫极限广告,想根据中文发音取个公司英文名称.xxshine 前面可以加个什么词组?最好和极限的“极”中文发音差不多, 公司的理念是追求极致 创意无限. 主要表现出极限的意思,SHINE单词 张梓茜这个名字取什么样的英文名比较好听又好记.最好是跟中文发音相同这个名字的中文发音是(Zi Xi) take first 能不能翻译成首先? 有什么英文读音是读“吉”要粤语读的…不要有多个音…就要一个吉…请帮忙 侓诗分为几联? Consider,的用法. 谁能给我吉加力这个字?RT 我打不出来这个字啊? 可以告诉我什么浏览好用吗?介绍几个哈.. 吉加力念什么 第27题求过程 给好评和采纳 (直线EF是我自己加的) 求《长征》中一组对仗工整的诗句. 吉加力读什么 吉旁加力怎么读 《七侓 长征》中以动写静的句子是怎么有两个答案 京加力 这个字读什么 适当形式填空,they are the ___(work)___(knife)! Tina thinks she works harder thaTina thinks she works harder than me,but she,s smarter than me.的翻译 把句子写具体:詹天佑主持修筑铁路.