
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:06:03
“判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,用勾或差表示.”做这种题目的方法.(我把划线改成括号)1.gr(a)pes c(a)ke 2.c(oa)t r(o)se 3.r(i)ce m(i)lk 4.m(e) d(e)sk就是这种题目,我们几乎每张英语试 )pronounce(名词)excite(形容)understand(过去式) difficult(名词) many(比较级) sloWY(形容词) 勾出划线部分发音不同的单词.(勾出划线部分发音不同的单词) 1 loud out south touch 2 bowl window cow show 3 both those that there 4 meat head read bean 5 asleep above apple awake 6 hungry string sing ring 7 pilot musical tie bic He is a student,isn't he?He is a student,is not he?哪一个正确 Is he a student?No,he isn't.(不能用No,he's not.) 为什么 You are 在句末能不能缩写.为什么哪些词语在句末不能缩写,请一一列举 分辨:元音还是单元音?如:adult:(单元音/元音.) a-c.adultalarmamantarriveaskathletebabybald eaglebeginbellbreathbusinesscavecheapcheercoconnutcolourfulcrygarage salegorillagungymhair salonhaircuthelperheaterhidehikehippohopehopehourhughunt 分辨,元音还是单元音.如:daughter(单元音/元音) d-f.daughterdealdeepdiarydictionarydie outdiveeagleeasilye-dictionaryenoughequipmentexpensivefarmerfeedfieldfind outflea marketforeignfriendshipfurnture 下列每对词语中,划线字的读音全都不相同的一组是A.幽僻—譬如娉婷—伶俜磐石—凤凰涅槃 B.癸丑—骙骙瞭望—镣铐谬误—山川相缪 C.迄今—收讫侘傺—叱咤芰荷—岌岌可危 D.滂沱—诽谤采 英语翻译我的意思是怎么念 用汉字翻译下或用拼音 smoking at parties 准确的翻译是指抽烟的人还是指在party上抽烟? He never does some shopping on Monday.(改为同义句) He ____ ____ ____shopping on Monday. that woman sometimes does some deaning on monday 的疑问句和否定句 鹰吃眼镜王蛇吗,吃完会中毒死亡不 zener Too late for meet you.如上 用introduce,major,consists of ,such as ,make friends,be fond of,allow.造句每个单词造1句少点的不要太复杂 英语翻译it is never too late to meet the brand new you 用1.think of 2.be used to doing 3.look forward to 4.be proud of 5.be fond of分别造句谢谢了, 英语翻译As the proverb says “My future isn’t a dream.” I love the proverb which brings me confidence when singing saying it every time.I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father 高三生突然很反感化学,怎么办?我都一直对它是酷爱的,化学成绩也很好,高一的时候更是喜欢死了,高二就对化学没有那么强的喜欢之情了,态度一般般,成绩也一般偏上,.突然剧恶化学了,老师没 以倒数第一的感悟为话题的作文 Promise to fuck to land on your 维语的提前祝你新年快乐怎么说 本人初一啊,老师要写自荐书啊,我要竞选语文课代表啊,谁帮我写写啊,好一点哈 团结协作对班集体建设有什么作用! 英语和化学都不好 我都准高三生了 我该怎么办 团结协作对班级有什么重要性 良好的班集体为什么需要团结协作 International Environment Day 在几月几日?快 Labour 它在几月几日? dorps of water outwear the stone的中文含义