
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 18:58:12
27题求步骤越详细越好 求英语帝帮忙做一道英语大题Direction:Rewrite each sentence using the word or phrase in the brackets,keeping thesame meaning.1)slowly the country is adapting to the new market economy.(adjust to) 2)he made use of his old contacts to get 英语翻译Keegan said that teenage girls were particularly interested in the film.Cameron has noticed this too."It's the idea of romantic love...a love that completely sweeps you away."卡梅隆说的“it's the idea of romantic love”怎么翻译 求英语帝弄道题One of the main characters____Dr.Manette,___was a French doctor.After having___prison for eighteen years这3个空 第一个选?A.was B were C is D are第二个空?A what B which C who D that第四个?A thrown into B put in C bee sin(-10/3)怎么算 请帮出百分数方程10题快啊,急用 方程应用!百分数!李丽整理班级图书角,发现文艺书比科技书多60本,文艺书占整个图书角书籍总数的40%.科技书占整个图书角书籍总数的10%.整个图书角有书籍多少本?(用方程法解) 含有百分数的方程 5道 we use the mp3 to listen to the music划线部分提问划listen to the music 提示语的位置不一样,标点符号有什么变化? His failure made his father think him a ___________ boy.A.disappoint B.disappointed C.disappointing D.disappointment为什么不选B,disappointing不是用来修饰物的吗? 初中英语题 望英语达人帮忙回答请回答后讲解一下做题过程谢谢I will meet you on the ______ of our street A.corner B.side 讲解一下做题过程 英语达人看过来~收到个OFFER,不太明白里面讲的薪金问题,麻烦英语大人们翻译一下~Your annual gross salary will be Rmb 40,000 payable on 13 months base,i.e.Rmb 3,076.92 per month.You are also eligible to receive the benefits 颜色不同但大小相等的两个三角形,有一部分重叠在一起,怎么求重叠部分的面积? 把下列各数写成两个质数相加的形式:10=( )+( )16=()+()26=()+()30=()+()74 =()=() 1,在三角ABC中,若角A=60度,B=45度,BC=根号2,则AC=____?2,不等式2x^2-3x-2 1.甲有a元钱,乙比甲多6元,乙有()元 2.abc三个数都是自然数,已知a-b=c那么abc三个数相加的和是a的()倍 3.甲有a元钱,乙比甲多6元,甲乙两人共有()元 4.三个连续偶数的和是3a,这三个数中最 等底等高的圆锥体体积比圆柱体少( ) 位图和矢量图有什么区别 用配方法证明2y-2y²-1的值恒小于0 求证:2y减2y的平方减1的值恒小于0 用配方法证明:-3y^2+2y-1的值恒小于0 可一题题发 陕西新建或正在建的火力发电厂都有哪些2005年以后的 如果圆x2+y2+4x-2y+1=0上各点到直线2x-4y-15=0的距离为d,那么d的最小值是 帮我选出正确答案 英语选择跟阅读题 18.---You sound kind of depressed.Is there anything wrong?--_________.A.I was starting to worry when I hadn’t heard anything from my sister in two weeks.B.I’m going to Hawaii for a holiday.C.You k 阅读理解,选择正确答案(每题仅一个答案),谢谢 的阅读题 How can we create the positive change in the world?With many competing needs,it can seem overwhelming to decide where to put our energies.( ) Spread Peace in Small Ways Sometimes just a smile can bring peace to someone ( ).Staying out of 某一个产业占的比重比较大,是不是指它的GDP贡献率比较大. Some of the boys ________(listen) to music 200分!一块三角形煎饼,要把它分成大小相同(面积相等)的6块应怎样分只能切三刀,最好有图片(要四种方法) 一个三角形的煎饼,要把它分成大小相同的6块,只能切三刀,怎么切