
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:09:47
已知一次函数y=kx+b,当x=0时,y0,为什么k>0,b 五年级四个班开展做好事比赛,把每个班做好事的件数制成( )统计图比较合适. 已知一次函数 y=kx+b(k ≠ 0) 在 x=1 时,y=5 ,且它的图已知一次函数y=kx+b(k≠0)在x=1时,y=5,且它的图象与x轴交点的横坐标是6,求这个一次函数的解析式. 下面信息中,适合用复式折线统计图的是?A学校各年级的人数B五年级各班同学做好事的件数c六月份气温变化情况D两名同学五年的身高变化情况 设一次函数y=kx+b(k≠0)y=kx+b(k≠0)则称函数y=(k①+k②)x/2+(b①+b②)/2为这两个函数的平均函数 (1)若一次函数y=ax+1,y=-4x+3的平均函数为y=3x+2,求a的值 (2)若由一次函数y=x+1,y=kx+1的图 三年级4个班同学工做好事752件,平均每个班级做好事的件数是二年级做好事件数的2倍.二年级同学做好事多少件? 1Jim is from the U.K He is a English boy 对第一个is He 对第二个is a Don't read under the sun.It's1Jim is from the U.K He is a English boy.对第一个is He 对第二个is a 2Don't read under the sun.It's bad for your is newer.对Don't under b The boy under the tree is Li Lei?The boy under the tree is Li Lei?———————(对画线部分提问)_____ _____ is Li lei?(注:Li lei是人名) 第11题, 句型转换-英语 There is a cat under the tree(对画线部分提问)_____ ______ under the tree?The pay phone is on center street.(一般疑问句)____the pay phone______center streetYou can go down this street and turn right(同义句转 百分之162.5-x=16分之15 15除于什么等于16分之5 16分之15×(5分之3+3分之1)=? 11题那个红笔写的( 第11题, 11题, 单选题who is your father?He is the man ___ is talking with our English teacherA、whom B、which C、what D.who ______ is your new English teacher?-------The man under the tree. 1又5分之3=15分之( ) =16乘( )我急用, 第11题答案 求第11题答案 People often read books (under the tree)对括号内提问!( )( )people often read books? The little girl is often seen _____ (read) under the tree.老师没讲过最好能说说为什么填什么在线等答案 I often see him ___(do)some____(read)under a big tree 第11道题怎么做.初二数学 这题意思是什么 题目的意思是什么? ---—— is your new English teacher?---The man under the tree,he is with Miss Gao?A.Where B.Which C.Whose D.What The girl ___________ is reading under the tree is my sister.A. who B. whose C. which D. whom为什么选B? who the is girl sitting my is under the sister tree怎么组成一句话? The girl under the tree is my sister对under the tree 提问 【英语题目】the girl under the tree is my sisterunder the tree 做什么成分