
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:04:44
请帮我翻译成英语!多余的回忆 英语翻译帮我准确的翻译成英文. We had a great practice today.We know it's going to be a long and hard series.Every game is going It is rather/quite cold today.rather和quite用哪个?请告诉我它们的用法 it is rather cold today改为感叹句 the population of China is much larger than_of America.A.this B.those C.it D.that选哪个?为什么?想问下it和that作为代词的区别怎么讲. 1000RMB是读one thousand RMB还是ten hundred RMB?是不是两种都可以,但那种比较地道,我看美国电影好象两种都有人用. It is snowing very hard.它的汉语意思 They are working very hard.和It is very nice to see you.(改感叹句) 萨琳娜英文怎么写请告诉我Selena,Selina这两种写法哪一个是正确的,还是两个都是正确的? that从句后可以加there be句型吗?如It is inmportant that there are enough water can be provided for us.(我自己编的句子) 英语翻译How you choose to express yourself It's all your own and I can tell It comes naturally It comes naturally You follow what you feel inside It's intuitive You don't have to try It comes naturally It comes naturally And it takes my breath aw 翻译“ten times three”谢谢! The population of China is much larger than that of America这个句子中larger能换成bigger吗我提这个问题是我在网上看到一样的英语句子,但不是用larger ,而是bigger! The population of china is larger than___of Japan.a.one b.it c.that d.those The wind is blowing 后面用Strongly,还是Hardly The wind is blowing (strongly).就括号部分提问 How____the wind is blowing!添strong还是strongly? How strongly the wind is blowing?(同义句)——— ——— ——— ——— it is!I will ask someone to clean the windows this afternoon. I will ——— the windows——— this afternoon. The wind is blowing 改为 It is a 什么 The population of china is larger than -----of America.是用 that one it 哪一个?it,one,ones,that,those 怎么用啊 、回答的容易理解些、- - 官方的看不懂 the population of China is larger than that of Indian 中的that可不可以换成 the population of再说明一下什么时候可以换什么时候不可以换再说明一下什么时候可以换,什么时候不可以换 a hundred times是不是可以译为 “一百次” 也可以译为 “无数次”? The population of China ___ larger than that of any other country in the world. 英语翻译原文:why plod about at 120 mph in a $300,000 Cessna when you can fly four times as fast in an L-39 that costs the same and looks a hundred times sexier?希望翻译全文! she repeated the five basic position a hundred times each day . 求翻译. 英语翻译当再次有你的消息我的心情是多么高兴,明明几天,你却又要离我而去,这次是心与心的隔离 你现在已经九年级了,学习生活和以前肯定有所不同.请就以下几个方面谈论初三的学习和生活与以前有哪些不同1.起床时间 2.睡觉时间 3.每天玩的时间 4.每天学习的时间 5.周末活动 6.课外活动 急英语作文 同学们的生活都发生了改变,加入你是九年级学生李雷,请你根据下表提示来写现在与以前的差异过去 现在早晨 6:30起床吃早饭 6:00起床读书课外时间 打球 练习跑步、跳远晚上 看 你现在的生活如何 英文?RT [ ]do you know is the population of Canada?A;WhatB;WhichC;How manyD;How much必须有理由 medicine,day,a,the,times,four,take拼成一个句子