
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 06:14:49
l've got some books from China.翻译成中文 My brotherhas got some Chinese chopsticks.改为一般疑问句. 若x为其数,相邻的两个奇数分别是( )和( ),如果这个连续的奇数和是60,那么最小的一个奇数是( ). now you can have another Chinese stamp,now you can have another Chinese stamp,simon 希望有懂英语的朋友告诉我一下.感激不尽![请不要给我搬一大堆语法说教文来,尽量简洁,最好只有答案.] please tell me if you feel tired“如果你感觉累了请告诉我”有错误吗? 人教版七年级上册英语听力材料原文如果再有下册的,那就更好了 12版新人教版七年级上册英语听力材料文字及MP3格式 I tell you.这个句子完整吗 dont know why 的原唱是谁?就是诺拉琼斯和小野丽莎都唱过的那首 谢和弦i dont know why下载地址 把下列简单句改为带有定语从句的复合句.1.The boys playing tennis are my friends.2.He had a letter written in French3.She is the girl called Mary 4.I know the boy running in the park 分解因式;25t平方-0.09要过程 把以下含定语从句的复合句改写成两个独立的简单句.1.He came from a family which/that was very poor.2.The house whose windows face south can be sold at a higher price.3.But it was also a time when there were many great philosophers i'm so happy you were always on my I want __ see pandas at once,I hope.But I still have some__ You can ask __ if you __ Do you like me? 英语句型转换题上的(合并为一句)和(改为定语从句)一样吗?Do you know the girl?Her coat is red.(合并为一句)Do you know the girl ___ ___ is red.He is the only student in our class.His father is a policeman.(改为定 初中非限制性定语从句的句型转换能帮我出一道关于非限制性定语从句的句型转换题吗 谢 ——Would you like to go to the oark with me?——( )A.Yes,I would B.Sure I"d like C.No,I wouldn"t.D.Sure,I"d love to 鲁迅的【风筝】主要是写什么滴?错了 我们老师说不是滴 would you like to go with me t___yes。i'd like to 仿写:春雨,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着 冬雪 作者写春雨是“像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着”,请仿照这样的句式描写“理想”. 勉强的笑叫( ) 狡诈的笑叫(  )   朴实的笑叫(   ) 勉强地笑叫( ) 讥讽地笑叫( ) 狡诈地笑叫( ) 挖苦地笑叫( ) 朴实地笑叫( ) 凶恶地笑叫( )能用就行,不要搞笑版的 你如何认识清政府闭关锁国政策的影响? 如何认识清政府的闭关锁国 1.English is ____________(重要的)subject in China . 用恰当的词把春雨的特点概括出来 a雨是最寻常的,一下就是三两天【 】 b像牛毛,像花针,像细丝.【 】c人家屋顶上全笼着一层薄烟【 】 typedef{chinese,english} subject; subject a; a有什么用? I believe that paid,always can get unexpected harvest. i am always told by my friends that my english is getting better than before