
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 13:25:33
英语翻译求翻译啊 How many plastic bags do you use every day?Is there any chance for us to live without them?What can we do to have lessplastic pollution?A performance in Hangzhou makes people think more about the overuse of plastic hags in ou hold hold住 hold姐 难道"给力 神马 浮云 坑爹"这些网络流行语,no fashion?out 最新网络流行语 hold姐到底代表着什么?英文不好,请问 "hold” 英文 如何发音? He has two big houses and a new car . This car is ( )[big]and ( )[new]than one.用适当的形式填空. 1.Danny would like a new,big car.改错 2.I ate an egg.I want one.改错 关于名人伟人因走不出痛苦而人生悲惨的作文素材如题``急用``写关于痛苦的议论文的```具体描述``要100字左右 《河中石兽》:第一段中写打捞石兽,连用“棹"“曳"“寻"等动词有什么作用? 不要忽视“镉大米”阅读答案 不容忽视的镉大米每层的段意 The man used to______up early had hisleg broken.A. getting B. get C. got D. have got Danny,like,I,think,hat,would,that,anyway,don‘t.连词组句 hurt feelings at being called a name,or shame from being the name-caller 英语翻译这是在Discovery Channal英文网站找到的新发明介绍,本人周一时要向全班讲解一下~A headless humanoid is being built by Boston Dynamics.Called Atlas,it has is a heel-to-toe gait.The designers want Atlas to be able to 关于2011高考完形,有一篇开头是 i used to hated being called upon in class .求答案及解析是2011的完型,忘了是哪个卷的了.有答案发一下也可以 He suddenly () the bike and broke his leg. 谁有03年9月的四级听力啊?可不可以传上来一下 朋友能否把listen to this 发给我一份啊~~~谢谢啊~~~~yuzhu1987717@163.com 谁有Listen to this 1 听力mp3?如果有请发送到minmin31152@163.com,谢谢! He has ___ ___ ___ books ___me.要翻译“他的书是我的两倍”请简单解释,感激不尽~ 19.i wouldn’t get ______ that mess if I were you.A)aboutB)betweenC)overD)into 用所给单词的正确时态进行填空 Yesterdany I _____(think) that you were not in BeijingYesterdany I _____(think) that you were not in Beijing The old man loves()people around him .(helpful) He has books.He had books.这句可以翻译 他有一些书吗.这句好像没有some喔. The man turn and exit the hospital.这个turn怎么解释? 廖去掉广念什么?组词,词义,五笔.加个金字旁呢?有念什么? 读完《雾凇》一文想到的成语.一定要好! 描写雾凇的颜色、形态的成语 我很讨厌那些网络流行语,比如屌丝;我认为这是对人的一种侮辱,一种歧视,在我们中国这样一个中国特色社会主义社会里,为什么会充满高富帅,屌丝这种词;所谓表象声色,皆是皮下白;姑且 怎么用2012十大网络流行语组个句子 用:屌丝 ** Style 我能说脏话吗?我再也不相信爱情了累了,感觉不会再爱了 随时受不了正能量 中国好**元芳,你怎么看屌丝**Style 我能说脏话吗?我再也不相 歌曲即使说抱歉中文翻译.回答就有好评 请大家帮我翻译一篇初一小短文,中文翻译成英文,句子要正确,照这翻译就行了!我的家庭 内容:我是✘✘✘.今天是周末.我的爸爸妈妈正在厨房里做饭.我的爷爷奶奶正在客厅里看电 请问:棫朴的“朴”怎么读啊?