
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:48:35
sb1 help sb2 do sth 当sb1是第三人称是,do是不是用第三人称单数? help的第三人称单数是什么 张瑞敏什么精神 张瑞敏 三个是什么 我市为了绿化环境,计划种植观赏树1000棵,工作人员平均每天可种植总数的10分之1,9天后,还剩多少?一种节能灯,现价每盏成本是4.6元,比原来降低5分之3,原来每盏成本多少?这两题怎么写?两题! my friend beautiful 意思`?my friend beautiful 啥意思额`? 为什么我的倒库是零分今天考场地 倒库零分 挂了 我没压线 也是到点停的 英语翻译it gives real-time detailed information to customers with the aim of making the whole buying / letting process much simpler and keeps us one step ahead of the pack “one step to be muslim"翻译成中文 We should learn to ____ (面对) any danger all by ourselves. 英语组句:school,see,river,cross,can,the,you,and,the 英语组句!急组句下列短语,每个组两句!1.have you got( )2.what do your3.what do you do 4.what do you do when 5.when is your6.what sports do marriage和married还有marry的不同和分别得用法! 帮忙英语组句1.good,health,for,is,TV,much,too,your,bad,or,watching 2.morning,hear,why,this,may,has,wasn't 组句英语1.the,was,I,while,was,cooking,in,garden ,boy,in,the,kitchen,playing,the.________________________________2.I,having when,was,someone breakfast,at,knocked,door,the ________________________________3.he,gone,several,has,Australia,to,times.___ 英语翻译The married people argue most over issues like who is going to be in control.When I was younger,my need to control arose out of fear,a lack of trust and insecurity.Finally I realized I didn't need to control my wife - that,indeed,I ought 英语 组句用 in,interesting,live,a,with,garden,an,they,house,small这些单词组成一个句子 旧版新概念英语磁带哪里有卖(武汉)如题:与旧版(小开本的那种)新概念英语第四册配套的磁带哪里有卖(武汉)?或谁有那个版本的磁带的二手货呀? 我想问一下新概念的磁带哪有卖的,到哪才能买到?谢谢 新概念英语配套磁带哪里能买到(上海) why we should fall down,because we should learnow to stand up. By falling we learn to go safely. 已知{an}为等比数列,a1=2,q=3,又第m项至第n项的和为720(m 已知{an}为等比数列,a1=2,q=3,又第m项至第n项的和为720(m I have to finish the report.If I ______ tomorrow,I would help you.A should be free B am free C will be free D is free A love marriage.A love marriage,however,does not necessarily _____ much sharing of interests and responsibilities.A.take over B.result in C.keep to D.hold on为什么选B, 羊肉串用英语怎么说 已知数列{an}为等比数列,a1=1,q=2,又第m项至第n项的和为112(m 如何做羊肉串 两串羊肉串用英语怎么说 marriage 什么意思 羊肉串的英文