
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 06:59:26
Do you ()watching TV?kuaikuai@@@@ are book your friend的英语作文 杨修之死中,杨修在哪些方面表才智,哪些方面表现放旷? 《杨修之死》分析杨修是个什么样的人 what do you say we ask him? 中国有哪些关于计算机方面的证书最具有含金量? 将此句子翻译为现代汉语,杨修为人恃才放旷,数犯曹操之禁忌 翻译.杨修为人恃才放旷,数犯曹操之忌. 美国的文凭含金量高.用英语怎么说 1.课文写了杨修犯曹操之忌的哪几件事?对杨修每次犯忌曹操各有什么心理反映 哪些英文证书考出来的含金量高,我今天刚考了四级. 随着杨修数犯曹操之忌 曹操心理发生了怎样的变化 _,this or that?which is betterwhat is betterwhat is the bestwhich is the best给出正确答案,并翻译 如果初中英语很烂, Our plates are very big,so make sure you are hungry when you visit.这一句要怎么翻译呢?这句话出现在一个餐馆的介绍里面. He was very nervous when he _______ make an impromptu speech (即兴演讲).A:is asking to B:was asked to C:was asking for D:asked to I feel very c_______when I lie in bed. 填词怎么填 making you very afraid;very bad.改写成字母t开头的单词 论述题 1. 简论孙中山对20世纪中国第一次历史性巨变的杰出贡献 请问:英语托业桥证书和英语四级证书比哪个含金量更高? At that time we came____the river only by ferry.A.across B.cross C.though D.through答案是across, 公共英语三级相当于大学英语四级么?哪个更有含金量?3Q only in this way —— —— —— —— ——his fears and get across the river.只有通过这种方式才能让他摆脱恐惧渡过河.请补充空格中的单词. 请问英语四级证书和雅思5分成绩哪一个含金量更高? 阅读材料,说说杨修和纪晓岚的做法有什么不同 找错:They have great fun watching football match on TV last night 改错:Did you watched TV last night?We usually doesn't have clas on Saturday.She didn't her homework yesterday.Jane hasn't do her work. I have to ask myself what wrong with me 和I have to ask myself what wrong with me第二个myself 后加that 前面漏掉了 Ask myself:What's like to be me?这个学期我都没想到会进年级上的小火箭班 可是 发现自己各种不适应 喜欢安静话很少却没想到碰到了一堆令我始料未及的狗血事情 成绩有下滑压抑加郁闷 迷茫可是 It was many years later_ I had an opportunity TO DO IT again.请问是为什么不用BEFORE而用了THAT?能否顺便提供一下BEFORE和THAT用法的区别?那么BEFORE的用法又是什么>我记得有在IT后面跟上BEFORE的. 1.It is two years _I joined the army.A.before B.since C.that D.after2.It was two years_I joined the army.A.before B.since C.that D.after老师说的是第一题选B,第二题选A.他没讲清楚,没搞懂.这两个句子到底是怎么回事啊, Harvard is the oldest university in America.It was started in 1636.Two years later,a young priestnamed John Harvard died.He left his books and a lot of land to the university.Then,the university changed its name to Harvard.的翻译