
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 06:35:39
急求一篇高中英语演讲稿5到10分钟的,最好是通俗易懂的容易让别人听懂的, 求高中英语课前演讲5到10分钟可用演讲稿,或PPT(可有音频文件插入) 高中英语课前演讲题目 小爸爸中文章的儿子写了篇作文文章的内容大约有:我的爸爸哥们姚明曾说没有买卖就没有杀害.这是哪一集? A:It has rained for a day.What timely rain!B___ a.so it is b.so is it c.so it has d.so has it 15. I can't understand it, will you please _____ once more? A. explain that word B. repeat that word C. explain us that word D. explain that word for us ncre是什么 what famous places are in your contry?(the great wall)怎么回答? Grace and her classmates had a good time---the school trip.A.on B,for C,with D,of 与"唱片"发音相似的英文单词 求发音与“均时达”相似的英文单词最好寓意是比较积极的, Invitation to sit the National Entrance 和小阁发音相似的英文单词 national的意思 帕彼特,读音大概就是这样吧.有没有相似读音的英文单词~ national?啥意思?没加day make a brief comparision between chinese national juelicial exam and bar exam of the united states不是翻译……要英文小作文 达亿瓦钓鱼竿涂装用的涂料对操作人员有害吗? How many bags are there 有15个书包用句子怎么回答,亲, 我的鱼竿质量怎么样?我有一根7.2的溪流竿,能钓起1.5KG的水,问题我的竿子不贵 才150多点.不过牌子好像查不到 求教大家如何判断鱼竿的质量.碳素杆 three pencils can make a trangle.four pencils can make a square.i'd like to make a star,how many pencils do i need?A three pencilsB four pencilsC five pencilsD SIX pencils there isn't ( )in the house.填那一个?1.anyone 2.someone 3.everyone 4.one求求你们了,我很急着要. 达亿瓦2014款的水滴轮怎么样 I guess there must be someone( ) outside the house.Let's stop to listen.A speaks B speaking C spoke 说下理由 英语:根据答语写问句,(___________)?答语:Three lines make a triangle. 翻译 手机信号不好.(除了用singal还有什么表达 Enhanced interrogation wasn’t really torture as long as the pain administered didn’t result in“ death ,organ failure ,or serious impairment of bodily functions.” 手机信号不好怎么办?我家在农村,离城市十里地左右,我爸有部手机是诺基亚的,型号比较老,但是买了一年多了,没出过毛病,最近却手机信号不稳定,尤其在卧室,我们就打不通他的手机,在客厅就 请帮忙把这句话翻成英文,惊吓万圣鬼 英文水平有限,请删除产品的ITEM NO,这会给大货生产带来混乱,其他的客户都采用一个统一的LOG.这些字体过于细小,印刷出来会不清晰,请更换其他的字体.可以取消这个"R"的标记吗?这太小了,将来 一个养鸡场一次能孵2800个鸡蛋,如果鸡蛋的孵化率是95%,每次大约有多少个鸡蛋不能孵化出小鸡列式·