
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 20:14:38
be used to do与be used for doing有什么区别?拜托~最好详细一点,O(∩_∩)O谢谢. 英语强调句,the plants are protected from the wind and rainthe plants are protected from the wind and rain.强调后面 的 是用it is the wind and rain that the plants are protected from.还是 it is fromthe wind^^^i often help you.often能进 ______to the sun,rain and wind for a long time,the stone split.Having been exposed能不能填进去 伤的英文单词怎么拼? 谁能告诉我《夜色、如伤》怎样用英语说.附带单词哦//. 在横线上写成语或四字词语 (今天就要啊急)一提到夏洛蒂姐妹、霍金等人物,我的脑海里就跳出___、________、_________、_______等词语(说夏洛蒂姐妹的要两个,霍金的也要两个,要概括的) 5.12,四川汶川县发生8.0级地震.该地震波及范围之广,强度之大,在新中国的历史上是________的.灾情就是命令,党中央和国务院立刻行动起来.温家宝总理________,亲赴灾区,慰问灾民.人民子弟兵数十 to learn English well is very difficult.同义句 It's difficult to learn English well.改为同义句 _English well is not_.最后这个会议以唱歌结束 the mI've learned a lot that way改为一般疑问句 去公园怎么样?_ _ going to the park? It is difficult to learn English well.这句话的主语是什么? 我身边的小能人 作文应该怎样写 英语翻译我非常喜欢弹吉他,我每天都会花一个小时的时间来弹吉他.打羽毛球也是我的爱好之一,我经常和爸爸妈妈一起打. 请把中文翻译成英文,谢谢大家 有哪些英文单词表示:不同的除了different 表方位的英语短语比如说.between...and.、next to... He speaks English very well.变一般疑问句做否定回答 ,并译 描写自己对朋友好的好段,最好能用上好词好句 Tony finds _____ very difficult to learn Chinese well.RT 答案是it,为什么不用it's?是it's不是is 日本人,只有非常亲近的人称呼名字,其他一半称呼姓氏,是这样么 日本人的人名称呼方式会是在怎样的方式下称姓氏活直接叫名字,然后是某君 某酱,还有的叫某ji,或者某桑,等等·· 英语翻译My derest one,Good morningHow is your day?.Mine is a little bit cold over here inDakarSenegal.like i told you in my first mail,My name is Blessing Ibrahim I 'm 25,fromKhartoumSudan in northern Africa,5.11ft tall,Fair in complexion,(never 非常的英语very翻译成中文谐音怎么说 I early last night ,but I couldn't ,because I was very tired.A.went to bed ,fell sleep B.went to bed,fall sleep后面的fall是根据前面的时态而定,还是根据couldn't But it is not easy to learn English well. ( ) is not easy to learn English well.A.That B.It C.Its D.不填 3.to learn english well is not easy.(改为同义句)______not easy_______ _______ english wel. To learn English well is not easy.(保持意思不变)____ ____ ___to learn English well 补货的英文怎么写 我们可以补货给你,英文怎么说啊? You speak English very well的同义句 深圳有昂立英语吗?我在宝安,想考雅思? Last night it was so hot that I couldn't fall a ______untill 3:00am.