
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 06:03:45
c7h16的同分异构体有几种是9种还是10种 人活着多累啊 求Richie Stringini的 best friend下载 用英文怎么写:我永远的朋友和完美的组合.这样写是否OK:My forever friends and Perfect partner .或者有更好的翻译,更好的语法组合. Friends C7H8O的同分异构体并命名 第37题求解要理由. C4H9Cl的同分异构体有哪些,分别的命名? 世界上湖泊面积最大的国家?湖泊总面积是多少 哪个国家的湖泊最多? 造成罗湖泊消逝的深层原因是什么,应吸取怎样的教训?有何启示? My birthday is March 12th.My birthday is March December. 句子My birthday is March 12th.这句子中March 前面怎么不用on啊?这也不是个特殊的日子啊.你好,刚才请教的那个问题.需要您再解答一下. (My son's)birthday is March 12th括号处提问 一什么梅花鹿 “帝”字在古汉语里怎么解释? 求解释帝,12864为什么不显字?硬件电路 绝对正确,程序如下:#include#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned int#define LCD_Data P0sbit LCD_RS=P2^4;sbit LCD_RW=P2^5;sbit LCD_E=P2^6;sbit PSB=P2^1;sbit RST=P2^3;uchar code* di 灵帝谥号的灵字怎么解释?比如说桓帝的“桓”做克敬动民啊,辟土抚远啊这些,那么灵怎么解释,“灵”这个谥号恰当吗?还有献帝的“献”是谁追谥的?蜀汉好像追谥的是“孝愍皇帝”吧?那献是 关于介词短语做后置定语the climate in English is not very good.the climate is not very good in English.2句意思一样嘛?请详细说明下..没人知道啊? brithday,on,my,of,is,the,first,july(.)怎么连词成句a,with,on,I,film,watched,my,wednesday,parents(.) my birthday is on ____(thee)of July 连词成句,is,the,month,of,the,year,first,julyFirst改为seventh There were no women in the committee _____ 1976,but now women are in a majority.A.before B.previous to C.ago D.earlier my,is,on,birthday,months,away,July 4th连词成句翻译 中国湖泊的介绍 这里的介词短语地点状语还是后置定语Michael is looking for an apartment near our school.请问near our school 是修饰an apartment 的后置定语,还是修饰动词的状语? 中国海拔最高和最低的湖泊 几个英语单选 1.At the end of an hour's play,the --- lay definitely with the home team A profit B favour C benefit D advantage2.Home milk delivery has almost disappeared in China now ,and gone with --- are milkmen.A which B it C what D them3.Why 求讲解,可以语言、文字, 本段文字的说明方法是__的说明语言,用这种说明语言有________的作用. 中国最大的湖泊是哪个? 小学三年级英语朗诵高3分钟左右