
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 19:39:56
x^2+65X=350 He is taller than any other student in our class=He ( ) ( ) ( )( )in our class.同义句转换 抗日明族统一战线和第一次国共合作革命统一战线相比,最突出的特点是? 第一次国共合作建立的标志是什么? joe is cleverer than any other student in our class.(改为同义句) 寓言一路花香的作者是谁 请为我的一篇议论文作点评,拒绝冷漠,温暖你我世界需要爱,人与人之间需要温暖.据报道,一名幼童相继遭两车碾压,两车车主不顾,逃之夭夭,7分钟内,18名路人路过却都视而不见,漠然而去,最后 如何评价一篇议论文的好坏? 以后会不会证明太阳月亮星星都是反射了别的星球的光?因为先有光才有的星体---圣经. 第一次国共合作破裂的标志是? ____work is heavy .but____is heavier than ___ A.our,their,our B.our,theirs,ours C.our,their,ours Our teacher is taller than we are.为什么要加are 天上的星星都是太阳反射的光吗 第一次国共合作为什么破裂?第一次国共合作为什么会破裂?共产党做了些什么令国民党无法忍受?究竟发生了什么促使蒋介石发动四一二事变?不要用什么蒋介石反共、国民党右派反叛革命之类 用智能ABC怎么打嗯不用n88,还能怎么打 Hardly ______ the room when he told me the secretA,I entered B.I had entered C .did I enter D .had I entered及这种倒装句的结构 科学家是如何判断看到的星星距地球几百万光年呢? 翻译:我们一到火车站,火车就开走了(Hardly..when..) 1889年日本发动的甲午中日战争在哪里进行战斗 It must be Tom in the school library怎么改否定句 图二中的世界潮流是指什么 世界上第一张地球的照片是谁拍摄的? 14到20题 这句话怎么改下Manyparents believe that children should not watch TV.They have three main reasonsto support their proposal.One reason is that someviolent shows or channels in television can negatively affect children’scharacteristics Another 现在就要!14题第3小题 Last time from your letter,you said you were surprised to hear about someone pulling my long hair.I can tell you about this thing.The reason that they pulled my hair was just playing a practical joke on me.I can only say that they are not very good.I he may be in his room请问这句话能说成He may in his room吗? HE MAY BE IN THE ROOM还是HE MAY IN THE ROOM?BE必须有吗? when he found he _(smoke)in his room 动词过去式后be动词什么时态 春天的阳光照在人们身上,使人感到十分温和. Being questioned by overseas students and under the pressure of quality control,Singapore private schools have into a transitional stage.How to build brand by education quality?How to make effective strategies during this time?This is the challenge f 大家帮忙改句子`````1.改陈述句他问盲姑娘:“您爱听吗?我再给您弹几首吧!”2.改病句只有痰里有大量病菌.才会传播疾病.我们老师说第一句是这样改的.他问盲姑娘,盲姑娘爱听吗?他再给盲